His writing speed is slow, and it takes him more than one or even two hours to complete the homework that could have been completed in half an hour. In this case, he has to be busy with schoolwork from morning to night, with a heavy burden and little rest, which affects his physical and mental development; secondly, he has , due to the slow writing speed, there is no extra time to participate in physical exercise, no extra time to make friends, and no extra time to read extracurricular books. If this is the case for a long time, the improvement of physical fitness, personality development and expansion of knowledge are limited; especially , for the information age, writing speed is a reflection of a person's comprehensive quality. If the writing speed is too slow, students will not be able to keep up with their studies and may become underachievers. Therefore, improving the writing speed of primary school students is an urgent issue .

 How to effectively improve writing speed? For students who are still in school, this is a common problem that cannot be ignored. Writing too slowly not only has many disadvantages in exams, but also has many bad effects in daily study and life.

Slow writing speed will bring about a series of problems: due to the slow writing speed, it takes him two or three hours to complete the homework that could have been completed in half an hour. He is busy with schoolwork from morning to night, has a heavy workload, and has little rest, which affects Physical and mental development; due to his slow writing speed, he has no extra time to play games, make friends, or read extracurricular books, and his personality development and expansion of knowledge are limited;

During the usual monthly exams, mid-term exams, and final exams, due to your slow writing speed, you may have to close the paper before you have read all the questions. And if you write very slowly, it is easy to feel anxious during the exam. The slower you are, the more urgent you are, and the more urgent you are, the slower you are. The test questions that you have done are messed up in pursuit of fast writing, and the test questions that you have not done will not get marks. There is no use in rushing.

Let’s take a look at the real troubles of two netizens:

The high school entrance examination is coming soon, and I'm worried that I won't be able to do the liberal arts in time, because I write very slowly and read questions very slowly, especially for the Chinese language test. Sometimes I don't have enough time to write the essays for the exams, resulting in low scores. Recently, I have been working hard to improve my writing efficiency. Despite this, I'm still worried.

Normally, Chinese copying assignments have almost become a nightmare for me because of my slow writing speed. When it came to political dictation, I couldn’t complete it because of my slow writing speed (I can write and recite it very skillfully). I often deliberately increase my writing speed, but within a few minutes the muscles in my palms will hurt. I guess it may have something to do with my calligraphy practice when I was a kid. I always held the pen very hard, but every time I tried to hold it looser, the writing would become ugly. Is there any way to effectively increase the writing speed without significantly decreasing the writing speed?

There are many similar cases, I will only cite these two typical ones. So how to effectively improve writing speed? I have listed the following 12 points

  1. Write more often

I believe everyone has a similar experience. When schools are on summer or winter vacation, they usually do their winter and summer vacation homework after having enough fun. A considerable number of them even come to the classroom early to copy their classmates during the vacation. At this time, due to a I didn’t write anything during the holidays, so I couldn’t copy it quickly even if I wanted to. As the saying goes: If you don’t practice your words for three days, your mouth will be healthy, and if you don’t practice your hands for three days, your life will be better. If the hand is not writing for a long time, the hand's ability to control the pen will be weakened, so discomfort will occur.

Therefore, if you have time, you should practice calligraphy more often, so that your fingers can form a kind of chronic memory, which is more conducive to the control of the pen by your fingers, so that you can use it freely and retract and release it flexibly. You can use white paper to practice the fonts in the book, or you can copy the articles in the book, as long as it doesn't make your hand uncensored.

2.Keep a good mood

Maintaining a good mood when writing can effectively improve your writing speed. When writing, keep your chest and abdomen up, smile, be in a happy mood, breathe smoothly, and be highly focused. Of course, a quiet environment is crucial. Nowadays, some teachers will play some soft music while students are writing. In fact, this can easily distract students. When students are writing, teachers should not talk too much to avoid disturbing students' writing.

3. Make the font size appropriately smaller

A large font means that the strokes on a word are longer, so it will definitely take more time, and the number of words written per unit time will be fewer, so writing will naturally be slower.

Therefore, the font should be appropriately reduced in proportion. It should not be too small. If it is too small, the strokes will be unclear and it is easy to omit some important strokes. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the font size while ensuring that the font size is clear and beautiful, thereby increasing the speed.

4. Good + fast -> fast + good

Nowadays, students who are confused about slow writing have usually tried to speed up their writing on the premise that the font is good. Because the font becomes unsightly when speeding up, and you can’t bear to turn the beautiful font you have practiced since elementary school into ugly. So I gave up on speeding up. Not only did I not get faster, my handwriting was not as good as before.

So now I need to change my strategy. Seeking speed while maintaining stability is what I have always advocated, but it may not apply to everyone. After all, there are only a small number of people who want to speed up their writing. What I have to do now is to do it quickly. When I have time, scribble on the blank paper. Try to draw as fast as possible. After a period of time, add fonts, or keep this state and copy a paragraph of text. The requirements are good, practice for a period of time every day, and after you feel that your handwriting has become faster, then slow down your writing speed slightly, and pay attention to the improvement of writing quality. Note: During the practice process, do not deliberately practice stroke by stroke. The font will definitely not be beautiful in the early stage, but you should take a long-term view and you will soon be able to write fast and good handwriting.

5. Copy the good articles and paragraphs you have accumulated within the specified time.

Usually, pay attention to accumulating more articles with beautiful sentences and suitable for memorization, so that when copying, you can read one sentence and write one sentence, instead of reading one word and writing one word. Since the articles you appreciate are important to you, you don't want to write in ugly fonts when copying. After setting a time, setting rewards and punishments, and finding a supervisor, your subconscious will be stimulated, and your brain will try every means. Complete this masterpiece within a set time. After persisting for a period of time, you will receive good rewards.

6. Correct pen holding posture

The correct posture of holding the pen directly affects the speed of writing. In the past teaching, many teachers only limited their understanding of writing postures to the "three ones" and often did not mention the most critical method of holding the pen. The correct way to hold a pen should be: hold the pen in your right hand, about an inch away from the pen tip, and the joints of your thumb and index finger should be naturally bent; Under the middle finger; the back end of the pen barrel leans against the base of the index finger, at an angle of approximately 50 degrees to the paper; the fingers should be naturally strong and the palm should be empty.

7. Concentrate

For many students in lower grades, especially those who are more active, it is difficult to concentrate when doing homework. They look to the west and east for a while, or their thoughts have drifted to the sky while writing. In that case , the writing speed will definitely not be fast.

I think the better way to concentrate is to set a completion time for your homework. Only with a certain amount of motivation can you have the passion to do it. Of course, self-reward and punishment are still necessary.

The learning environment is also a factor that restricts children's attention. If the children are doing homework while their parents are cooking, watching TV, or playing mahjong with friends, the child's attention will be attracted to some extent. The child's growth will be very detrimental.

8. Think carefully before writing

Many primary school students are used to reading and writing while writing, that is, looking at one stroke and writing one stroke or looking at one part and writing one part. This not only affects the beauty of the handwriting, but also greatly reduces the writing speed. For children who have just entered the first grade, they can "write while reading" at the beginning, but when they have a certain foundation in writing, they must be helped to develop the habit of "thinking before writing": carefully observe the strokes Process changes and structures, analyze the rules of stroke order, achieve "the intention comes first", and achieve "observe carefully and write in one go".

9.Write lyrics

This is a relatively simple and practical method. First, find slow songs, songs that you are familiar with and listen to them while writing. Then find it a little faster. Can't write it down. fallen. Just don't worry about him. Then write the lyrics you heard. Write this over and over again. When you can keep up with the speed of his singing. You are already writing very quickly. When can you keep up with Jay Chou's speed. You can break the world record. . Talk and talk. It’s just that practice makes perfect. No matter what method. You still have to rely on yourself to write more. Practice more.

10.Finger flexibility

When the fingers are very flexible, the writing speed will be faster. Everyone knows this truth. Regularly playing Rubik's Cube and doing magic can improve the flexibility of the fingers.

11. Consistent practice

To improve your writing speed, proficiency is the foundation. First of all, we must practice frequently. This requires that during the classroom teaching process, teachers must leave time for students to practice writing, especially in lower-grade Chinese classes. We strive to leave sufficient time in each class for students to practice writing, and propose appropriate suggestions. Speed ​​requirements. The second is skillful practice. Students should be guided to summarize the differences and connections between words, understand and master the common points of the same type of words, so as to guide a word and drive a type of words, practice under the guidance of rules, and practice under the guidance of rules. Experience the rules, and then use the rules to better guide practice, consolidate and improve writing skills, and then improve students' writing speed.

12. Improve copying speed

In school, you often need to copy, whether in homework or in the teacher's courseware. When copying, those who copy the slowest are always those who copy the fastest, and those who copy slowly and those who copy the fastest are always copying. The difference between the fastest copying speeds is two to three times, which greatly affects the efficiency and quality of learning.

Students will have four different behaviors when copying homework or courseware:

① Some can read a sentence or half a sentence at a glance. These students are often the fastest writers in the class; they are also quick to pick up notebooks and copy in one go without any unnecessary movements;

②Some read one word at a glance;

③Some can read one word at a glance;

④Some students read a word several times, and these students are usually the ones who write the slowest. They couldn't find the notebook and pencil for a long time. He had written a few lines, and he was still looking here and there, touching his hands here and there, and making movements that had nothing to do with copying.

The above situation is closely related to the child's reading speed and instant memory. Those who read quickly and have relatively good memory can read a sentence or half a sentence at a glance, and the speed is very fast; the reading speed is also fast, and they will read a sentence several times. I always think that I have read it wrong. Reading back greatly affects reading speed. If you read fast, if your instant memory ability is not enough, you will still be unable to copy these sentences. Therefore, reading speed and instant memory must be cultivated at the same time.

Improving writing speed requires long-term persistence, and guidance with the correct method will get twice the result with half the effort. I sincerely hope that everyone who wants to practice calligraphy can practice the fonts they want in a short time.