Well-written words can make people look at you with admiration and respect on many occasions. Many people want to practice hard calligraphy through their own efforts. So how should you practice to practice well?

The following are the basic steps to practice hard-tipped calligraphy:

1. Preparation before practicing calligraphy:

1. Mental preparation.

It is actually very important to think about why you practice calligraphy and how determined you are. The purposes of practicing calligraphy are different, and the paths required are also different.

The purposes of calligraphy practice can generally be divided into the following categories:

(1) To get better test scores for the exam.

(2) Daily writing looks better.

(3) Personal hobbies.

(4) Study calligraphy systematically.

(5) Cultivate one’s moral character.

Different purposes require different time investment requirements. If you have a clear purpose and are determined, you will be able to practice calligraphy well.

2. Preparation of paper and pen.

Regarding paper: If your foundation is not very good, when you start practicing calligraphy, it is recommended to choose a practice book with a Tian-zi grid or a rice-zig grid.

As for pens: Since calligraphy practice is mainly for daily writing, I recommend choosing gel pens or fountain pens for calligraphy practice. As for gel pens, I recommend choosing 0.7mm or 1.0mm ones, which make it easier to write with a sharp edge and make the writing more beautiful. It is also perfectly fine for daily writing. If you choose a pen, be sure to choose one that is easy to use. It is also necessary to buy a better pen, after all, it can last a long time. And once you get used to writing, it will feel like the sword in the hands of a swordsman. In addition, it is not recommended to use art pens to practice calligraphy in the early stage.

2. Start practicing calligraphy:

1. Find a suitable copybook.

When choosing copybooks, you can generally refer to the following three points:

(1) It depends on your own foundation. If the foundation is not very good, it is recommended to start with regular script or regular script. If the foundation is good, then the range of choices will be wider.

(2) Just learn what kind of calligraphy you like. If you don’t want to become a professional calligrapher, you can just learn whatever you like. Practicing calligraphy is actually about imitation. If you are interested, you will often invest more time, making it easier to practice well.

(3) Learn whatever you need. If you want to write more standardizedly, practice regular script. If you want to write faster, practice running script. Even if you have never practiced regular script, you can still learn running script.

2. Observe carefully.

Observe before practicing calligraphy, and carefully observe the structure of each character. Don't think that you have written calligraphy for many years, so you don't observe it and just copy it based on your feelings and memory. Otherwise, the effect will not be very good. You should observe first and then copy. This will get twice the result with half the effort.

3. Copy carefully.

If you learn to practice calligraphy because your handwriting was not beautiful enough in the past, you need to abandon your previous writing methods and copy the selected copybooks carefully. Every stroke must be copied to perfection without discounting. If you keep practicing, your handwriting will be beautiful enough.

4. Be persistent.

Practicing calligraphy is not something that can be achieved quickly and successfully, you must persist. Don't write all morning if you are happy today, and don't write a word if you are unhappy tomorrow. The effect will not be obvious. No matter how busy you are every day, you must take time to write, even if it is only a small amount of time and you can only write a few lines, you must write. Only by persisting every day will you make progress.

5. Observe and compare.

When practicing, you can collect the words you have written for comparison. After practicing for a period of time, take out the words at different stages and compare them to see what kind of effect the practice has achieved during this period. In this way, you can see your own progress, and your sense of accomplishment and satisfaction will be improved. It will give yourself a small incentive, and you will be more motivated to practice calligraphy in the future. At the same time, by comparing the differences between your own handwriting and the copybook, you can also find your own shortcomings and make targeted corrections.

Finally, let me talk about my personal experience.

Personally, I think if you are still a primary school student or a middle school student, it is recommended to choose regular script. If you are a college student or already working, and you practice calligraphy just to make your daily writing faster and better, you can choose to practice regular script, or practice both regular script and running script at the same time.

Practicing calligraphy is about writing on the one hand, and reading on the other hand. Look more at the beautiful words written by others, observe the structure of the words, and figure out how to lay them out. With the blueprint of the words in your mind, it will be easier to write well. The calligraphy official account will often display some good fonts written by others. You can take a look at them. Daily observation will bring about changes over time.

Just practice one word or a few words every day, you don't need to practice a lot of words. When you have time, just keep writing for a while every day. Treat it as a thing, form a habit, and if you like practicing calligraphy, you will be able to practice it well. Although there is no video demonstration of the cursive calligraphy techniques introduced in the calligraphy official account, it may be more rewarding through your own observation and understanding. Writing one stroke of cursive script every day is enough.