People often ask, how can we practice calligraphy efficiently? What are the key points of practicing calligraphy? In fact, practicing calligraphy is like other things. It has its own routines and techniques. If you don’t master these routines and techniques and just practice hard by yourself, you will get twice the result with half the effort and be inefficient. If you want to practice calligraphy efficiently, take a look at this efficient calligraphy practice. 36 tips. Especially for children practicing calligraphy, if they can be guided correctly according to these tips at the beginning, they can lay a good foundation for calligraphy practice.


The mentality and basic requirements for practicing calligraphy:

1. Determine goals. Without a goal, it is like drifting on the sea, not knowing which direction to go. Therefore, when practicing calligraphy, you must first set a goal, such as perfecting regular script within one year.

2. Determine the time. Set a fixed time every day to practice calligraphy. If you can't even determine the time, forget about practicing calligraphy efficiently and just go to bed. No matter how powerful the skill is, it always takes time to achieve.

3. Determine the content. You need to know what to practice every day. It’s useless to just write it down every day, no matter how much time you give it.

4. Choose a good pen. There are also some requirements for calligraphy practice, and it is very important to choose a good pen.

5. Correct your mentality. It's okay to be efficient, but you need to have a correct mentality and don't think about reaching the sky in one step.

6. Select the copybook. This is a very crucial step. Choosing a good copybook is half the battle.

7. Choose a Master. You can learn calligraphy by yourself, but it is better to have a teacher. In fact, the most efficient way is to find a master. I am talking about a master, not a famous teacher. Only a teacher who understands can teach you good things. Some famous teachers may not necessarily teach well. .

8. Keep practicing. If you don’t insist on practicing, don’t ask me any more efficient methods. You won’t even get into the water, and no matter how advanced the method is, it won’t teach you how to swim.

9. Fixed quantity. The amount of practice every day is also very important. It cannot be said that I have practiced. Writing two words - - is not called practice. It must be sufficient, such as 500 words a day.

The above is the basic mentality and requirements you should have when starting to practice calligraphy. Once you have clear goals and action plans, you must make up your mind to practice calligraphy.

The following is a summary of the specific tips for practicing calligraphy:

10. Practice Yongzi more often. Yongzi combines the basic strokes and most structural features of Chinese characters. It is very important. It is recommended to practice this character well at the beginning.

11. Pass the level with strokes. The basic strokes must be passed, which are the basic materials for building a house. If the materials are not good, the house cannot be built well.

12. The structure passes. Structure is the shape of characters. Once you have finished the basic strokes, you must practice the structure well. With good materials, you must build a stylish house.

13. Beautiful composition. The composition is the overall style of a work and the overall look and feel of a house.

14. Twists and turns. Especially when writing horizontal drawings, don't draw them straight, but show twists and turns to make the lines dynamic, so as to reflect the danceability.

15. Left is low and right is high. When writing horizontal strokes, the left side should be low and the right side should be high. Never write it in a straight line.

16. Points are like falling stones. When writing a point, it should be strong and appear like falling rocks from a mountain. This kind of point makes people look very powerful.

17. Hang the needle slowly. When writing hanging needles, you should write slowly and draw out the tip slowly.

18. The dew should be shed quickly. The dew should be dropped quickly, and the strokes should be crisp.

19. Do not repeat each other. If the strokes are the same, they should be written differently, and they should not be written in repeated ways, which will appear very monotonous.

20. Combination of virtual and real. When writing, you need to lift and press. You cannot write with the pen pressed down, otherwise there will be no sense of movement.

21. Short strokes should be done quickly. When retracting the pen with a short stroke, you need to point it out, so it needs to be faster.

22. Long strokes should be done slowly. The long paraphrase is relatively long, so if you want to write powerfully, you must slow down a bit.

23. Pick the method and push it slowly. The writing pick should be pushed up slowly, not too quickly.

24. The left is small and the right is big. Generally speaking, Chinese characters are small on the left and large on the right, but this is not absolutely the case.

25. The left is short and the right is long. If there are vertical drawings on both sides, the vertical writing on the left is generally shorter and the vertical writing on the right is longer.

26. The top is short and the bottom is long. If there are horizontal lines at the top and bottom, the lower horizontal line should be longer.

27. It’s better to go up than down. Chinese characters generally prefer strokes that go up rather than down.

28. It’s better to be tight than loose. If you don’t grasp the structure well when writing, you would rather write tightly than loosely.

29. Turn and pause. Pause at transitions to create a sense of gravity.

Through the above exercises, you should be able to have a certain appreciation ability and write better words. However, you must not be complacent. You must return to the original state, re-examine yourself, do not forget your original intention, and maintain a state of struggle, so that you can get better and better. , here are some tips for regression and improvement summarized for you.

30. Practice basic skills. Practicing calligraphy without practicing Qigong will lead to nothing.

31. Read more copybooks. The copybook is the foundation. It is a waste of time to scribble without reading the copybook.

32. Ask your peers for advice. Communicating more with peers can quickly improve your horizons and level.

33. Participate in competitions. Participating in competitions is an efficient way to validate yourself and improve yourself.

34. Be good at summarizing. Pausing to summarize is necessary.

35. Develop a style. After long-term study, you will gradually form your own style, which is a good thing. But the foundation must be solid.

36. Keep making breakthroughs. You can try different fonts and creative styles, and constantly challenge yourself to get better.

Summary: Here are 36 tips for practicing calligraphy efficiently. I hope you can keep practicing and make continuous progress, and I wish you all can write well.