A good calligraphy will benefit you for life. As the saying goes, "Words are like the person they are" and "Words are the second appearance of a person", which is also an inner manifestation of a person's cultural accomplishment. A person's ability to write well is a reflection of his cultivation and talent, and is a lifelong asset. Now more and more parents want their children to write good calligraphy, so how to choose a high-quality and efficient calligraphy training institution?


1. Look at the teacher’s works and choose the right teacher

Look at the teacher's calligraphy work level and whether the font is standardized, understand his teaching qualifications, and don't be blinded by various calligraphy association titles. Parents and teachers should communicate appropriately to understand the teaching methods and teachers’ expression and communication skills.


An excellent calligraphy teacher must have good calligraphy, good methods and good explanation skills, and at the same time, he must also have a heart that loves his students as his own children, all of which are indispensable. Only when teachers write well can they summarize good experiences and teach in different languages ​​for different students to achieve the best results. If the teacher's writing skills are average, how can he help the children practice calligraphy well? In addition, even if the teacher's writing level is very high, he cannot express and explain well, and the students cannot understand the essentials of calligraphy, and he cannot be called a good teacher.

2. Check whether the teaching methods are scientific and reasonable

Neither hard-pen calligraphy nor brush calligraphy teaching is suitable for large lectures, because the students participating in the study are of different ages and have different understanding and acceptance abilities. Each student has different problems in writing the same word, even students of the same age will have differences. If a large lecture is given, a considerable number of students will not be able to understand or keep up. Calligraphy teaching is more suitable for one-on-one explanations and word-for-word demonstrations. This can vary from person to person. Problems that arise in each student's calligraphy practice can be discovered in a timely manner and corrected in a targeted manner, so that students can avoid detours and speed up their learning progress. .

3. Check whether the teaching materials used are standardized.

There are basically three types of teaching materials used in hard-pen calligraphy training: 1. Self-edited teaching materials; 2. Copybooks purchased in bookstores; 3. Red calligraphy copybooks.

Copybooks written by the teacher themselves are preferred, but the font must be standardized. In this way, the model characters written by the teacher for students are consistent with the font of the textbook, making it easy for students to learn, understand, and master. If you use a purchased copybook, it will be difficult for the teacher to write in a consistent font, and students will feel confused during the practice. It is even more difficult to achieve results with red calligraphy.

4. Look at students’ works and school assignments

The purpose of our calligraphy practice is not to train calligraphers. We cannot practice calligraphy just for the sake of practicing calligraphy. We must apply what we have learned. Writing can be light, fast, and effective, so that it can be used in study and life.

5. Check whether there is a good learning environment and atmosphere

A good learning environment can improve students' interest in learning and stimulate students' learning enthusiasm.

6. Check the reputation of the training institution.

As long as any training institution has a good reputation, the teaching quality and effect will be good. There is no doubt about the teacher’s teaching methods and sense of responsibility.

7. Choose crash courses carefully

Whether you are learning hard-pen calligraphy or brush calligraphy, you must start from the shallower to the deeper and proceed step by step. Practicing calligraphy is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It requires practice stroke by stroke, accumulation over time, and progress bit by bit in order to achieve the desired goal.