Many people want to be good at writing, but don't know how to start. The writing brush is too difficult and I don’t know how to practice with the hard brush?

Let me talk about the beginning of my calligraphy practice. My calligraphy practice only started because I went to Suzhou, visited the Suzhou gardens, and fell in love with the ancient calligraphy hanging in the corridor. What I wrote from the beginning was Ling Fei Jing. Later I learned that this post is a classic in regular script. As long as every word in it is written well, it will be beautiful when I write other works. It's really not difficult to write beautiful handwriting. You just need to meditate and spend time practicing.

So what preparations need to be made before practicing calligraphy?

They say interest is the best teacher, and this is true. Practicing calligraphy does not require a high IQ but requires meditation and endurance. Because practicing calligraphy is a very boring thing, the more love you have, the more persistence you will have.

As the saying goes: "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools."


Before practicing calligraphy, prepare: pen, paper, stickers, clips, and clean waste newspapers.

Pen: Fountain pen, 0.7 gel pen


Many people who plan to start practicing calligraphy will ask me this question: "Which one is better, should I practice calligraphy with a fountain pen or a gel pen?" My answer is: "Both are the same. For primary school students, It is recommended to use gel pens; pencils are even more recommended for first and second graders; fountain pens are more troublesome for children. The pens have a large amount of water and are not easy for children to control when practicing calligraphy. The pens also need to be filled with ink, which takes time. It is easy for children to ink. Sticks to clothes."

"For adults, if you like to use a pen and like the feel of writing, OK, you can use it. But please note that the water output of the pen is larger than that of ordinary pens, so you need to choose paper with a thicker thickness. , otherwise it will be easily soaked and the written words will not look good.

"There are 0.7 and 1.0 gel pens. I recommend that you use 0.7 in the early stages of calligraphy practice. After a period of practice, you can change to 1.0 when you have a certain grasp and control of the handwriting when writing calligraphy works. Because the font size of 1.0 has a large amount of ink, the written words will test everyone’s basic skills.”

Therefore, the 0.7 font size gel pen is the most convenient in terms of ink output and paper requirements.

Paper: copy paper, copy paper, work paper

The first step in practicing calligraphy is to copy the characters. You can find it by searching for "calligraphy practice paper" online.

The second step in practicing calligraphy is to practice calligraphy. You can find it by searching for "calligraphy practice paper" online.

The third step of practicing calligraphy is writing a work. You can find it by searching for "hard pen calligraphy work paper" online.


Copybook: stroke copybook, ancient calligraphy - Ling Fei Jing

If it is your first time to practice calligraphy, then you must practice the strokes first. Only when your strokes are well practiced, and your strokes horizontally, horizontally, vertically and horizontally, will your handwriting change rapidly in the next step. "Ling Fei Sutra" is a classic in regular script, so I recommend that you buy this book online and practice it at home. But please note that you must buy ancient posts. What does that mean? That is, the words on the copybook were written by ancient people, not modern people. So look carefully when buying.

How do we practice calligraphy in the process?


One copy, two copies and three copies. What does that mean? First of all, you need to prepare a white copy paper, copy two sheets at a time, and then start copying, using standard rice-character paper, finish copying one sheet, and then take it to the teacher for correction. During the writing process, you need to be slow and calm, and write stroke by stroke. When the teacher corrects your writing, he will circle the words you wrote well and those that need correction. You should pay special attention at this time. Only by correcting your bad handwriting and insisting on practicing the words you have written will you be effective.The following are the decomposition steps:

The first step is to copy the characters.

Gem actually means to imitate. Cover the copybook with translucent paper, then secure it with a clip, and you can start copying. You need this kind of translucent paper to copy calligraphy. You can search for "paper for calligraphy practice" online. When copying, you should keep your mind calm and experience what the words on the copybook look like while writing. Try to make it as exact as possible on the copybook.

Normally, two copies are needed. One side of the copybook is the unit of measurement for each exercise. As long as the work written on this side passes the test, the copybook can be turned over again.

The second step is to post

The copybook is actually written by oneself according to the copybook. At this time, you need to be careful. Before writing, you must first observe the words on the copybook. How is it written? Where do you want to pull horizontally? Are the two flats the same length? Where should I start writing vertically? etc.

Therefore, when writing a copybook, you should slow down and read the words on the copybook while writing. The more complex the characters, the more tightly they need to be written to look good. The fewer strokes, the more observation is needed.

If you want to write beautifully, you have to write more and imitate more. Otherwise, no matter how many methods you read, it will be useless.

Here’s another little trick: take the initiative to ask the teacher about the words you can’t write well. For example, at the beginning, if you write a word for the teacher, the teacher will circle the good words you wrote to cultivate your interest! If you constantly correct your writing from the beginning, your enthusiasm will be greatly reduced. The purpose of paying money is to practice calligraphy well. I paid money to learn because my calligraphy is not good. So when I was practicing calligraphy with my teacher in the early days, he was always praising me. He would always circle a well-written word from a piece of calligraphy I practiced and then praise me.

The third step is to write the work


After finishing it, it’s time to write the work. What does that mean? It means giving you a special piece of paper and letting you write on it with a special pen.

After the first two rounds of copying, it was already the fourth time to write those words when writing the work. At this time, choose the corresponding pen according to your work paper and start writing. White paper, black pen, black paper, white pen. When you write a work, you just follow the copybook, that is, copy the content you just copied. Be sure not to make any mistakes or omit any words this time, otherwise this work will be useless. So you must be focused when writing.

Practicing calligraphy is boring, how can I persevere?

1. Praise from others

2. The influence of the surrounding environment

3. Take the initiative to ponder other people’s words on your own

Imitate the calligraphy you like when you encounter it. It is much easier to imitate other people's calligraphy than to imitate other people's articles. There are similarities between writing articles and practicing calligraphy, but the time and cycle of learning each skill are different. Some people open 21 days Writing camp, although he only taught it for 21 days, you need to practice for a year or even longer.