How to practice pen calligraphy? The method of practicing pen calligraphy is a gradual and step-by-step process. However, everyone knows these principles, but few people can do it. So let’s talk about the motivation for practicing calligraphy. I started learning calligraphy when I was in junior high school. It started out as a bet with my classmates on whose calligraphy was better, and I failed miserably... When I really started practicing calligraphy, I realized that practicing calligraphy brings me more than just "beautiful handwriting." That's all. To put it artistically, when I'm in a bad mood or can't sleep late at night, I will practice calligraphy, and slowly I will calm down. To put it more utilitarian, this world is not just about looks. If you write beautifully, Words bring benefits far beyond our imagination.

During the college entrance examination, the teacher told us that we must write well. The teachers have corrected thousands of papers. If there is one with beautiful handwriting, it is not a problem to give a few more points. Good calligraphy can really impress people. Isn’t it that the words are like the person they are? If the handwriting is beautiful, the person will look more beautiful, hahahaha.


I accidentally found some calligraphy I wrote before I started practicing calligraphy in junior high school, so I can give you a feel.


The structure of Chinese characters uses strokes as the smallest unit. The strokes form single characters. The strokes and single characters evolve into radicals, and then the radicals are combined into combined characters. This is a logical system from simple to complex. When we practice calligraphy, we should follow the order of this system and practice step by step, but the emphasis is on step by step, not in one order. Therefore, it is recommended that everyone practice basic strokes at the beginning, practice together with the structure of characters, and practice the different expressions of the same stroke in different character structures.


What is "copying"

Before copying, there is a very important step - reading the text. "Reading a post is like reading a book. The purpose is to understand the truth, not just to read or copy the book." Only by understanding the characters and keeping the structure of the characters in mind can we have a clear idea when writing and put the intention first.


Copying is to place the copybook under a transparent paper and trace it one stroke at a time. The writing cannot go beyond the words on the copybook and must overlap completely to achieve the effect of copying.


Opposite, that is, put the copybook next to it, and follow the words on the calligraphy to make it look like it. In the process of writing a post, there is a very important point, that is, you cannot read the post one by one and write one word after another. You must read the post carefully and then write one word in one breath. If you read the post one by one and write one by one, you will often ignore the structure of the words. , causing the words to be written loosely or to be sometimes big or small. When drawing, teachers often say that you should pay attention to the overall picture and don't worry about the details. This is actually the truth.

I found that many people wrote several rows of a word but failed to achieve the desired effect. They probably ignored the step of reading the post and did not compare it after writing. Every time we finish writing a word, we should look back at the original post to find out the shortcomings, and pay attention to solving the problems when writing again. This cycle repeats, and the final result is that we write better every time. Practicing calligraphy lies in precision, not in too much.


In the process of copying, you should not stop at understanding and practicing each specific character. You should pay attention to summarizing the differences and connections between characters, and learn to draw inferences from one example. This can greatly improve the progress of calligraphy practice.

After facing, comes facing behind. On the basis of copying, put aside the copybook, write a paragraph or a word completely from memory, and then compare it with the original copy to find out the shortcomings. Most people practice calligraphy for daily writing, so they must keep the frame structure in mind in order to form a habit and achieve good results in writing.


The final step is the advent of intention. What is Yilin? That is to say, we do not seek to make local stipples realistic, but we must pay attention to the grasp of the overall charm.

The importance of frame structure and basic strokes

The frame structure is like the beams of a house, and the strokes are the tiles on the beams. If the beams are straight, the tiles will not collapse. In order to demonstrate to you the importance of the frame structure and the basic strokes complementing each other, I wrote the following words for comparison.

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