How to quickly improve your calligraphy skills? Because practicing calligraphy is a long-term process, only persistence can achieve results. However, I have been practicing calligraphy for many years and have seen many people who practice calligraphy at the same time. After a period of time, their calligraphy practice improves in different ways. Some people make greater progress, while others There are almost no big breakthroughs, so the method of practicing calligraphy is very critical. Different methods will achieve different results. Below, 15 Calligraphy Practice Networks share 5 methods and techniques for calligraphy practice to make calligraphy practice easier!


1: You must clearly define the purpose of practicing calligraphy

① Clarify why you want to practice calligraphy, change your habits, simply want to practice calligraphy, practice your signature, or other reasons. Only when you are clear about calligraphy can you have a direction.

② Understand your personality and whether you can practice calligraphy for half an hour to an hour every day quietly and without distractions. You must understand that practicing calligraphy requires patience and persistence.

③Are you aware of your current writing level? Beginner, intermediate, advanced, master, different levels must have different methods. Only by understanding your own level can you use the method in a targeted manner.

④ Goal, to what extent you want to practice calligraphy. A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier. Your goal determines your height.


Two: Reasonable management

Reasonable goal management: Set different goals for different time periods, break the final big goal into several small goals and use different time periods to complete them. For example, in the first month, I learned the basic knowledge of calligraphy and some professional terms, and learned about famous calligraphy masters. Practice strokes in the second month, practice font structure in the third month, and so on, and arrange them accordingly. According to your actual situation, don't be too ambitious, but set a slightly higher goal, otherwise you will lose motivation.

Reasonable time management: As we all know, practicing calligraphy is a long-term process, so you should allocate some time to practice every day. Do not spend three days fishing and two days drying nets. On a whim, you will practice calligraphy for several days in a row and stop doing other things. Be enthusiastic Throwing the copybook aside once it fades will only be counterproductive. The most correct way is to make a reasonable schedule to make reasonable use of your free time. You need to make some plans, that is, at what time to practice calligraphy every day. If this time period is temporarily occupied by other things, set up a remedy. Time must be adhered to. If possible, make a schedule of work and rest for the whole day to remind yourself.

Three: Choose the correct calligraphy tools


After setting goals and making plans, the next step is to choose a set of stationery for calligraphy practice that suits you. If you just want to practice hard-pen calligraphy, it is almost enough to prepare pens and copybooks for practicing calligraphy. If you want to be more professional and have a better environment for practicing calligraphy, eye protection lamps and desks and bookcases are also necessary. In the early stage of practicing calligraphy, I recommend you some cost-effective stationery. Pens: For gel pens, the refill of Chenguang is larger than 0.7. The domestic Hero brand pen tip should not be too thick. For copybooks, choose those from your favorite calligraphy teacher. A copybook worth about 50 yuan is enough.

Four: Calligraphy practice mentality + calligraphy practice methods


As the saying goes: Interest is the best teacher. When we become interested in something, we will mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole person. No matter how much effort we put in, we will be willing to do it, no matter how difficult it is, we can persevere. These come from the heart and are not forced by external forces. Therefore, the probability of success in this matter will be much higher, and the same is true for calligraphy practice. If you want to succeed, you must first develop your own interest. The most effective way is to appreciate the works of calligraphy teachers and let yourself be fascinated by the fonts of a certain calligraphy master. As for how to practice calligraphy, you can join some calligraphy groups and get yourself into a state through the guidance of others. Find a friend who is motivated and perseverant to supervise and encourage each other. You can also practice calligraphy together in a group.

Five: Learn to summarize


A person who can summarize will make faster progress than others no matter what he does. The same is true for calligraphy practice. Don’t practice calligraphy blindly and mechanically. After practicing for a period of time, reflect on this period of time and see which methods are effective and which ones. it is invalid. If it works, continue to persist in the later period. What is the reason for the lack of effect? ​​Is it your own problem or other problems? Can you find a teacher or senior to solve this problem? What problems may you encounter in the future? How can you avoid these problems, etc.

The most important thing when practicing calligraphy is to have a good attitude, and the second is technique. Only by grasping these two points can the results of calligraphy be achieved quickly.

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