How can I practice calligraphy well? There is an old Chinese saying that half the writing is good. Many human handwritings are ugly. How can I practice calligraphy well? Many people are asking this question. Below, 15 Calligraphy Practice Network will briefly introduce some methods of calligraphy practice.

When practicing calligraphy, it is actually taboo to just buy a copybook and copy it somewhere. This is actually not good. Many people copy for a long time, but the calligraphy does not look better at all, so it is recommended that you practice directly with graph paper instead of copying. In addition, the font The choice is also more important. It is recommended that novices choose regular script. Compared with running script, regular script has fewer strokes and the difficulty of practice will be slightly less.

Never believe those who say you can practice calligraphy quickly. Practice calligraphy is a change of habits. It is impossible to change a person's habits so quickly. It is recommended to keep a normal mind and have patience and perseverance.

The biggest taboo in practicing calligraphy is not being able to persist. Many people only have three minutes of enthusiasm. When they first start practicing calligraphy, they can write for one or two hours a day but stop practicing after a few days. I personally recommend contacting them for half an hour a day. Okay, but you must develop a habit, practice every day, correct your attitude, and treat calligraphy practice as a habit. As time goes by, the words will naturally become good.


How to practice calligraphy well

1. Correct writing posture

1. Keep your head upright to keep your sight straight. Keep your eyes about one foot away from the paper, look directly at the end of the pen, and write accurately.

2. The upper body should be straight, the shoulders should be squared, and the waist and back should be straightened naturally. When sitting upright in front of the table, your body will seem to be elongated. In this way, you will be able to write calmly and powerfully.

3. The chest should not be close to the edge of the table, but should be about a punch (5~6cm) away, leaving room for movement. If your chest is pressed against the edge of the table, it will affect your breathing and make you feel strenuous and stuffy when writing.

4. The left and right arms should be placed naturally flat on the table, with the left hand pressing the paper and the right hand holding the pen. The arms should be spread out symmetrically, as if you want to hold something. Use your left hand to press the paper with more force. This way, your right hand will feel relaxed and the pen can be used naturally and flexibly.

5. Place your feet flat on the ground, not too close together or too far apart. The distance is about half shoulder width. Put your feet firmly on the ground, as stable as a tripod.

6. For correct sitting posture, you must first sit stably, and secondly, move freely. Only in this way can we write conveniently and write straight and beautiful words.

2. Practice your strokes well:

 Horizontal, vertical, left, right, and dot are the most basic strokes. The requirement for strokes is to have pauses. Pay attention to the "start, line, and end" of each stroke. There should be pauses when starting and ending the pen.

3. Pay attention to the frame structure of Chinese characters:

What is a shelf structure? It is the layout between each stroke of a Chinese character. The shelf structure has certain rules to follow. But how to pay attention to the frame structure, we have a "magic weapon" - the field positioning method. The horizontal center line and vertical center line in the middle of the field grid are used to position the strokes of Chinese characters. For example, "禾", the first stroke is a small stroke, in the middle of the upper half grid, passing through the vertical center line; the second stroke is a horizontal stroke, a little above the horizontal center line, very close to the horizontal center line; vertical on the vertical center line; left on the horizontal and vertical lines Start writing at the intersection and write toward the lower left corner; start writing at the horizontal and vertical intersection a little lower and write toward the lower right corner. At the same time, pay attention to comparison: the first stroke is shorter than the horizontal stroke; the stroke should be stretched, but cannot be longer than the vertical stroke.

4. The process of writing:

1. First observe the copybook - or language document. Observe the length, occupancy, and position of the strokes. And know it by heart.

2. Write a Chinese character. Don't write one word at a time, but do it in one go. This requires the first step of observation.