Nowadays, many parents attach great importance to their children's education, and they worry a lot in order for their children to be able to write well. Since it is impossible for school teachers to provide one-on-one tutoring to every child, they have to rely entirely on themselves after class. Children with good self-control are okay, but those with poor self-control will definitely make slower progress. At this time, it is necessary to rely on parents to supervise and cooperate with them. Tutoring has been given, but parents know very little about this calligraphy practice method, so how can they tutor their children? How to teach children to practice calligraphy at home? This has become a confusion in the hearts of many parents!


Don’t worry, will teach you five tricks to solve the problem easily.

In fact, practicing hard pen and practicing soft pen are similar. If you weaken the techniques of soft pen and use them in hard pen writing, your writing will improve faster.

The first move: To capture the thief, capture the king first, and write first.

(1) Start writing - move writing - close writing

Starting strokes: Regular script starting strokes are generally divided into two types, cutting strokes and sharp stroke starting strokes. The degree of their expression will also be different in different regular script styles; how to judge whether the stroke is good or bad, compare it with the original character, and see whether the direction and shape of the stroke are similar; and then there is the movement of the pen tip when looking at the stroke. Whether to go straight in or cut in, a common failure is the ink.

Running strokes: Regular script strokes are generally centered, with the tip of the pen walking in the middle. Finally, looking at the shape, a common failure is uneven line thickness.

Pen closing: The pen closing in regular script can be square or round. When closing the pen, you usually hold the pen and do not hold the pen down all the time. Therefore, the ink generally does not swell when closing the pen.

(2) Well-proportioned structure

In regular script, the structure is mainly square and slender, with a few flat characters, but most of the structures are well-proportioned. Generally speaking, the general standard for distinguishing good from bad is: do not want to be sparse, don't want to be small, don't want to be dense, don't want to be big, don't want to be rigid. , the side does not want to be tilted, the breadth does not want to be fat, the narrowness does not want to be thin, the sky must cover the earth, the earth must contain the sky, the inside must capture the outside, the outside must face inward, the density and density are harmonious, and the size is proportional. This is true not only between the stipples of a character, but also between the characters of a line or a painting.

The second trick: if you love me, practice more

When children are writing, parents can give appropriate encouragement to their children to increase their confidence and cultivate their interest in writing, so that their children will not be immersed in practicing and no one will pay attention to them; in terms of practice tools, the style of the paper , the writing format can also enhance children's learning pleasure.

The third tip: Love by everyone is true love.

If it is convenient for parents, they can lead by example and practice together with their children, so that the two can improve each other; they can also read some information about learning calligraphy appropriately to have a preliminary understanding of calligraphy.

The fourth trick: Review the past and learn the new to consolidate the effect.

Furthermore, parents should always pay attention to their children's writing status, save a few of their children's daily practice sheets, store them, and wait for the opportunity to show them to the teacher for analysis.

The fifth trick: combine work and rest, retract and release freely.

It is necessary to properly control the writing time of children. Generally, the writing time is controlled to two hours a day. Of course, the age group should also be considered. For younger children, the time can be shortened appropriately.

It doesn’t matter if you think this method is not enough to teach children to practice calligraphy. You can check out other methods of teaching children to practice calligraphy on our website. If you have any questions, you can also ask them in the comment area below.