What fonts are suitable for college girls to practice?

The continuous strokes are free and smooth

Font sizes are staggered and arranged appropriately

At first glance, it looks very skillful...

Such as this



So, you can choose these by yourself

Modern: Tian Yingzhang, Jing Xiaopeng, Lu Zhongnan, Wu Yusheng, Gu Zhongan, Huang Jicheng


Aloof: Yu Shinan's "Confucius Temple Monument"

Elegant: Jiang Kui's "Postscript to the Nanny Posted by Wang Xian"

Elegant: "Ling Fei Sutra" by Zhong Shaojing


Incredibly beautiful: Zhao Mengfu's "Ode to the Goddess of Luo"


Showing off skills: Jiyong's "The Thousand-Character Essay on True Grass"

In addition, Zhong Yao's and Wang Xizhi's lower regular script are all in a simple style, while Wang Chong's is advanced and naive. If you are interested, you can take a look.