1. The posture of holding the pen is very important! Many children have been practicing calligraphy for a long time, but they just can't do it well. Generally speaking, these children have more or less problems with their writing postures, and there are often more than one or two problems. Which joint of the index finger the pen rests on, the angle between the palm of your hand and the horizontal plane, the angle between your forearm and your shoulder... these details determine the skeleton of the words you write. Be sure to develop a correct writing posture, which will be of great benefit to future writing.


2. Choose a font that suits you. When practicing calligraphy in primary school, which font is suitable for me, not counting the writing textbooks?

3. Be diligent and think more when practicing. When your child is writing, you can correct him more and let him write stroke by stroke, so that he can write well slowly. Don't write too fast, which will be ugly.

4. Be targeted. Focus on practicing which characters, radicals, and strokes your child cannot write well.

5. Write the key parts that you have practiced like this. Of the eight hundred commonly used Chinese characters, there may only be three or four hundred that need to be practiced, and only about a hundred that need to be focused on. Memorize two of them a day and you will see the results in two months.

6. Pay attention to the stroke order. When practicing regular script, you should pay special attention to it. Many people make mistakes in the stroke order of the word "Wan". The weight in the middle of the word "mother" feels completely different when written dotted horizontally, dotted horizontally, or horizontally dotted.

7. Precautions for young children to practice calligraphy. Maintain correct sitting posture. Children's sitting posture is the key posture to ensure good handwriting. At the same time, it is also directly related to the child's writing posture. Children must sit upright when practicing calligraphy. Sit with your butt two-thirds of the way on the stool, with your feet slightly apart, firmly on the ground, your arms placed in a straight line on the table, and your back straight. These basic postures are important conditions for children to form good writing habits.

1. Writing posture

How does the pen-holding posture relate to the child's strength in writing and the beauty of the written font? After the children hold the pen correctly, they will pick up the pen according to the correct pen-holding posture, and then combine it with the strength of the upper wrist to draw one stroke at a time. When starting to practice calligraphy, children should start with the most regular fonts at the beginning. Don't rush to practice highly artistic fonts.

2. Stroke-stroke frame structure 

This is a basic requirement specific to each character. If children want to write well, then the stroke order of this Chinese character and the frame structure of the entire character need to be carefully observed before writing. According to the observations , children must first have a certain understanding of the layout of Chinese characters in their own minds, and then write based on this. 

Calligraphy practice questions are published by 15 Calligraphy Practice Network. Please indicate when reprinting: https://www.seowhy15.com/a/368.html