After practicing calligraphy for three years, I started from scratch! Come and see how lethal it is?

It cannot be called calligraphy. It is just practicing calligraphy, not modesty. It is indeed not as high-level as calligraphy.


In fact, this is not the first time I practiced calligraphy. The first time I practiced calligraphy was in the first grade of junior high school. At that time, there was a girl in the next class, which made me feel the excitement of youth for the first time. I couldn't help but write her a small note, but I didn't expect that she actually replied. When I opened it, I was immediately fascinated by Juan's beautiful pen writing.

From that moment on, I liked it a lot more. Her beautiful handwriting also stimulated me, because my handwriting was extremely sloppy, and I couldn’t tell what I was writing unless I read hard. From that little piece of paper, I determined to practice calligraphy well so that I could be worthy of communicating with the goddess.

By chance, I saw a copybook at the house of my uncle who taught middle school, so I couldn't wait to come. When I started practicing calligraphy, there was no one to teach me, or it couldn’t be called practicing calligraphy at first. I just printed it on the copybook with white paper and traced the red strokes one by one. I persisted in tracing for a whole summer vacation, and the words began to be written clearly clearly, and some words were written well.

After school started, I continued writing letters with my goddess. She was surprised and praised my handwriting for looking better. This change also got bonus points in her heart. This may be a manifestation of the ambition of girls looking at boys today! I also began to like practicing calligraphy more, so I continued to practice it for a semester, and my handwriting gradually became more beautiful.

Later, the goddess and I went to different high schools, but we still kept in touch. Unfortunately, someone chased the goddess and she stopped writing to me. It's all because I'm not brave enough. Although I love her, I never confessed to her. Later, the goddess’s best friend told me that she had been waiting for me for three years from the first year of junior high school to the first year of high school for me to pierce the window paper. She didn't wait until later, so she must have been disappointed!

Later, in high school, I got another calligraphy copybook. The habit of practicing calligraphy made me want to stop, so I fumbled and traced the red calligraphy by myself for two months.

When I was in my senior year of high school, I suddenly received a letter one day, written by the female monitor. Probably because he saw that I was in a state of confusion all day long, looking like I had no love left, so there were words of encouragement between the lines. They were very sincere and hoped that I could wake up and stop acting like a gangster all day long.

I was actually not familiar with her, because I was transferred from a science class, and I didn’t adapt to the new environment at first, and I didn’t know how to study liberal arts. After reading the letter, I was still a little surprised that a girl could be so enthusiastic, so out of politeness I replied. But I didn't mean to accept her kindness. I also expressed how moved I was and how grateful I was for her concern.

She also wrote back to me, still saying that I still had hope and that I could seize the time to review and take the college entrance examination. She said that my handwriting was very beautiful and very pleasing to the eye. She also said in the letter that I didn't look like a gangster. She also hinted to me in her letter that she often secretly observed me, and even the fool understood that her feelings for me were more than just friendship as a classmate.

Later, she also became my girlfriend. Of course, I didn't work hard to get into a good university like in the novel and movie. Such a good thing happened all because of the beautiful words, and the beautiful words conquered the girl's heart.