The length distribution rules of horizontal strokes and strokes in the regular script structure of calligraphy. Today, the editor will summarize the rules of horizontal strokes and strokes for you. Let’s take the lists in "Qinli Stele" and "Duobao Pagoda" by Yan Zhenqing as examples.

Rule 1: The structural strokes in the lower right corner of a single character are characters with a horizontal structure, with short horizontal strokes and long strokes

As for why the horizontal strokes in the lower right corner are short and long, in fact, it is not difficult to find the answer after careful analysis. If the characters in the lower right corner are horizontal, then the structure will go to the right, so the center of gravity of the entire character will be to the right. In order If the center of gravity is pulled to the left, the strokes will be longer, so that the center of gravity will be more stable. On the contrary, if the lower right corner is a vertical stroke, the center of gravity will be pulled downwards. There is no problem of shifting the center of gravity, so the strokes do not need to be too long.

Single words from Yan Zhenqing's "Qinli Stele"

Analysis of the structure of regular script of You character

There are horizontal strokes in the lower right corner of the "You" structure, so the relationship between the horizontal stroke and the stroke is that the horizontal stroke is short and the stroke is long. The bottom of the vertical curved hook should be flush with the stroke. Pay attention to the direction of the hook, and hide the front when starting the pen.

Yan Zhenqing's "Duobao Pagoda" Single Characters

Analysis of the structure of regular script characters

The structure of the lower right corner of the character is a horizontal stroke, so the horizontal strokes are short and the length is long. The vertical strokes of this character should not be written too far down, but should be tight up. The horizontal strokes in the lower right corner should not be too long, which will lead to an unstable center of gravity.

Single words from Yan Zhenqing's "Qinli Stele"

Analysis of the structure of Zuozi regular script

I believe I don’t need to say more about this word. You can see it clearly by looking at the red words in the picture. Is this rule particularly applicable?

Rule 2: The structural strokes in the lower right corner of a single character are characters with a vertical structure, and the horizontal strokes are long and short.

The above has analyzed the horizontal short and the long, let's find a few words to explain the horizontal long and the short.

Single words from Yan Zhenqing's "Qinli Stele"

Analysis of the structure of regular script with right character

The character on the right is as shown in the picture. The structure of the lower right corner is vertical, so it should be longer and shorter horizontally. For this character, you should pay attention to leaving the upper part of the mouth blank, letting go in the middle, and tightening the lower part. Horizontal folding is a new way of writing in square style.

Yan Zhenqing's "Duobao Pagoda" Single Characters

Analysis of the structure of regular script with characters

Characters with vertical strokes in the lower right corner should be long and short, with the center of gravity pointing downwards. The structure of the lower right corner should be upward and not move downward.

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