Suitable, the regular script strokes of the regular script are simple, and the frame is relatively easy to learn. Unlike the European style, which is dangerous and upright, if there are real differences between men and women, these two schools are actually more suitable for boys to learn paper. After establishing the framework structure and basic pen-using methods, if you feel you don't like it, you can switch to another one. Yan style regular script inherits from Yu Shinan at the top and Liu Gongquan at the bottom. The running script has the meaning of Xiao Wang and also has the characteristics of folk calligraphy at that time. It can not be viewed in isolation. When writing, you can start by writing the works of your youth. Finally, Xu Jinglei started her career by practicing beauty and bodybuilding.

Let’s talk about Yan Zhenqing again. I probably know a little bit about it. In my mind, I first turned to the inscriptions on Magu’s Immortal Altar.


Or something like the Yanjia Temple Monument


The strokes are the marks of leaks in the house, and the details are not paid much attention to. The knotted characters are thick and thick, and the writing style is arrogant or indifferent.

But I can't appreciate Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy at this time.

I can't understand the structure of many of the characters, let alone the details.

There is a piece of ink that says that the writing on the body is similar to this. However, it is said that it was imitated by later generations, so I won't mention it here.

Magu Xian Tan Ji, written in 771 AD, when Yan Zhenqing was 62 years old, Yanjia Temple Monument, written in 780 AD, when Yan Zhenqing was 71 years old. Generally, people like Yan Zhenqing’s opinion that the older the character Yan becomes, the more he becomes more sophisticated, but to be honest, for Beginners and incompetent people like me really don't think Yan Zhenqing's old calligraphy is any good.

In fact, I like the regular script written by Yan Lao before he was 50 years old, such as Duobao Pagoda, Guo Xuji's epitaph, etc. I have to mention Guo Xuji's epitaph in particular. This monument was discovered in 1997 and was written when Yan Zhenqing was 41 years old. , I don’t agree with the saying that Yan Zhenqing’s calligraphy was not mature before the age of fifty. Calligraphy is also a matter of strength. At the age of 41, Yan Zhenqing should be at his peak in every aspect. To say that people’s calligraphy is immature at this time, I think it is too much to look down on Yan. old.

Post this epitaph


I just think this word is quite perfect in every aspect.

When a girl writes such a word, there is nothing inappropriate about it. It is simply amazing, isn't it?

So of course girls can practice facial expressions, but if you are a beginner, just don’t choose the works of Yan Lao in his later years.