Chairman Mao said that to learn calligraphy, you must first read more calligraphy, and secondly, practice more. The more you write, the more you will become familiar with it. 

What should you pay attention to when reading posts?

Read and memorize it over and over again until you can memorize the content and become more familiar with it.

What should you remember when reading a post?

You have to look at the structure, shape, movement and organization of the characters. Why is it so complicated? Mao Zedong said, if you want to know a person well, don't you have to remember his height, height, weight, and thickness? You also need to remember his facial features!


Is remembering words the same as remembering people?

People have appearance, muscles and bones, and spirit, and words also have appearance, muscles, bones, and charm. The structure of characters includes size and density; the stipples include length, thickness, straightness, and intersection; the gestures include virtuality and solidity, movement and stillness; the layout includes the relationship between lines, and the relationship between black and white. The contradiction between right and wrong is the unity of opposites! There are both contradictions and coordination. Chinese calligraphy is full of dialectics!

How to understand the charm of calligraphy?

For example, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has smooth movement and makes people feel comfortable after reading it. I became interested in cursive writing after reading this person’s post. His cursive script includes "Seventeen Posts". After remembering Wang Xizhi's writings, you will feel powerful again when you look at Zheng Banqiao's posts. This kind of beauty is not only beautiful, but when you connect a string of words together, you will feel shocked, just like a brave general going to the battlefield. What a mighty force! Every word written by Zheng Banqiao has weight. When it falls on the ground, it can make a sonorous sound. This is called having a strong sound.

Should the temporary post be written according to the original post?

Of course, you should write according to the original post at first, and then you should imitate its shape and spirit as you practice more.

How to understand the spirit of words?

Words are like people, they have spirit and personality, some are majestic and bold, and some are unrestrained and beautiful. The words you want to write should not make others feel loose or weak. Of course, don’t be rigid when writing.

Where to start learning cursive writing?

Don't aim too high when learning cursive script. As the saying goes, haste makes waste. It is recommended to learn regular script first, practice the basic skills, and then learn running script and cursive script later.

What post should I read?

First read "The Thousand Character Essay". If you read more and memorize more, you can learn something. "The Thousand-Character Essay" talks about astronomy, geography, mineral resources, plants, history, and cultivation. If you can memorize it, that's pretty much it. You can't memorize it without reading it ten times. Don't be anxious, just take your time step by step. Of course, you can also learn "Standard Cursive Script", which is the version compiled by Yu Youren. As far as the art of calligraphy is concerned, cursive script is the most representative of a person's artistic achievements and the best expression of the artist's personality.