Learning calligraphy is like climbing a mountain. There are tens of millions of roads from the foot of the mountain to the top. Therefore, there are also thousands of calligraphy theories, dazzling and overwhelming, but there are four points among them that are the only way to go and the origin of all methods. That is: accurate font type, sufficient writing power, sufficient charm, and a lot of experience.

They are as follows:

First, the font is accurate 

1. Make good posts. Due to the development of modern science and technology, the ancient inscriptions and inscriptions discussed in book treatises in the past can now be basically printed and published, and they are cheap and high-quality. Therefore, it is unimaginable for predecessors to see such a rich collection of ancient inscriptions in today's world. The mixture of fish and eyes on inscriptions handed down from ancient times to the present often misleads beginners. Therefore, it becomes difficult for beginners to choose good posts that suit their temperament.

2. Use good words. Usually, it is easier to master the fonts by studying ancient inscriptions, and it is easier to master the calligraphy by studying ancient inscriptions. Therefore, the learning efficiency will be higher if the two are combined. Of course, if possible, it is better to see the original. Because the stele is written and then engraved, any characters that are written badly can be corrected. For beginners, some of the calligraphy of the stele will be difficult to see clearly once the engraving is modified and processed.

3. Know the principle. There are 5,000 commonly used Chinese characters, and the characters are divided into five styles. Each single character in each style sometimes includes several writing methods. The ancients said that for a hundred years and thirty-six thousand days, if you are not sick, you will be sad. The beauty of characters is the most important threshold in the study and appreciation of calligraphy. If you do not master the many mysteries, you will not be able to master the full picture of Chinese characters even if you spend your whole life. Therefore, we often see that a certain calligrapher only studies one book and one calligraphy book throughout his life.

Second, the writing power is sufficient 

The boxing score says: If you don’t practice boxing, you will be in vain. If the study of fonts is compared to boxing, then the training of writing strength is the Zhuang method. If cursive writing is compared to the boxing method, then the seal script and regular script is the Zhuang method. If creation is compared to boxing training, then copying is the Zhan Zhuang method. Of course, the two are slightly different when used. From the combination of hardness and softness to the art of civility and martial arts, the two work the same way but have different names and cannot be neglected. The method of pen and ink without the power of the pen is artificial and artificial. The power of the pen must be able to meet the needs of technique, just like excessive consumption, it must not be excessive. Too much gluttony will definitely be harmful. Generally speaking, if the method is used properly, it will take 3-5 years for the writing skills to meet the requirements. I took a detour here so it took a little longer. So it’s not that there are no shortcuts to learning calligraphy, it’s just that it’s difficult to do it quickly. Generally speaking, quick learning is easy to be eliminated, but only rare achievements can last.

Third, full of charm 

The foundation of charm comes from primary school. It is the embodiment of the calligrapher's cultivation, the beauty of connotation, and the beauty of a higher level based on the beauty of strength and shape. In a sense, calligraphy is an adjunct to literature. The style of calligraphy should be determined according to the writing content. An article can be expressed in different writing forms, but the same style of calligraphy must not be used to interpret articles with different sentiments. The wonderful combination of these two cannot be understood by a craftsman. Calligraphers should know where and how to use which techniques appropriately, and they must be able to do it, otherwise it will be like a castle in the air, elusive and unreachable.

Fourth, more experience 

The ancients said that people and writers are all old, and the path of learning and creating calligraphy is the same as the experience of life, which is a process of cultivating the human heart. If the author of a piece of art that is advertised as a work of art does not have enough life experience, no matter how rich the technical performance is, it will be empty and tasteless, and it will be difficult for the craftsman to move people's hearts. The dynamic expressive power of calligraphy is the materialization of people's body language and an effective supplement to the inexpressible meaning of literary works. It can express the richest and most delicate life emotions in the most direct and concise form. Therefore, the calligrapher's understanding of life is comprehensive and profound, and his expressive power may be richer.

Calligraphy is a sublimation of literature and art that has been refined by life. Therefore, compared with other art categories, it can directly point to people's understanding and understanding.