So what are the benefits of learning calligraphy? The summary has the following 5 points:


1. Cultivate endurance: Calligraphy can improve students' ability to focus, calm them down, and develop the habit of concentration;

2. Enhance coordination: In the process of writing, students can feel the cooperation of the brain, eyes, limbs and even the soul, thereby cultivating their own coordination;

3. Improve their horizons: Students who have practiced calligraphy will generally look at things, and their perspective, method and height will be different from ordinary students;

4. Improve self-confidence: students practice calligraphy and write well. You can often receive praise from classmates and teachers, thus doubling your self-confidence and making you more confident in learning;

5. Promote physical and mental health: Practicing calligraphy can also help students’ health. Practicing calligraphy requires calmness and is a physical and spiritual practice.