1. Why is it said that to learn calligraphy, you must first practice regular script?


As we all know, when a child starts to walk, he must first learn to stand. After standing firm, he can learn to walk. When the steps are familiar, he can walk quickly and then run.

 This is the same as the three steps of practicing calligraphy: first practice regular script; then practice Xing; third, practice cursive.

Calligraphers of all ages have unanimously maintained that only by practicing regular script well and having a solid foundation will it be easier to write in regular script and cursive script. Only by practicing regular script well can the writing be smooth and the body not fragmented.

Regular script includes all calligraphy techniques, such as hidden front, exposed front, center front, partial front, contracted front, wrapped front, continuous strokes, paused strokes, drawn strokes, broken strokes, kneeling strokes, flicking strokes, hanging stitches, hanging strokes, hidden strokes, etc. Passing, submerging and staying, if you want to be vertical, go horizontal first, if you want to be horizontal, be vertical first, if you want to be left, go right, if you want to be right, go left, if you want to go right, go left, if you want to go right, then go left. , Shenfa, Dial the lamp method and so on.

These techniques and writing techniques can all be used in regular script. Learning regular script first actually means starting with the rules, first recognizing and understanding what are the commonalities and what are the generally accepted rules? What are the necessary laws?

Regular script is irreplaceable in cultivating our ability to shape and express the independent image and mood of a line.

When writing regular script, one must very clearly create a pointillism form when mobilizing and using techniques. This pointillism form cannot be replaced by other pointillisms. It is unique and irreplaceable in space.

The first horizontal line, the second horizontal line, the third horizontal line... each character is very clear and cannot be moved.

The technical skills provided by regular script within a dot painting are the most abundant in shaping a dot painting.

Through the interweaving of balance and non-balance, the interpenetration of harmony and non-harmony in regular script, as well as the conflict and reunification of stipples and stipples, glyphs and glyphs, and rows and rows of writing arrangements, the appreciator can understand a quiet wind spirit, and then Through pen and ink, we can see into the tranquil and clear spiritual world.

There was once a metaphor: If other dynamic calligraphy styles are like dancing, singing, or performing, then the realm of regular script is like an old monk knocking wooden fish. The slow rhythm contains a kind of extraordinary life experience and the realization of life. Sublimation of realm.

2. How should the steps of learning calligraphy be arranged?

Start by learning the basic Chinese character strokes in regular script, namely dot, horizontal, vertical, left, back, lift, hook, and fold.

A character is like a machine. Mastering the basic strokes is like processing the "parts" well; practicing the radicals well is like starting the "assembly";

Practicing the entire glyph is equivalent to entering the "final assembly". That is to say, learn "decomposition" first, and then learn "coherence". Therefore, regular script is the foundation, and basic strokes are the foundation of the foundation.

When practicing basic strokes, practice them in categories. For example, when practicing writing "丶", you should practice 丶,丿,丶,丨, etc. separately, and then write "continuous" and combine them.

The general rule: when practicing regular script, practice basic strokes first; then practice the order of strokes;

The third practice is radicals; the fourth practice is glyph structure; the fifth practice is branch layout.

The "dots" of Chinese characters should be emphasized when writing, like a stone falling to the ground. What kind of points are needed for what kind of parts, it is necessary to "concentrate on the writing first". For example, the writing method of Zhong Shaojing and Ouyang Xun above "倀" is more powerful when written in short vertical strokes.