For hard-pen cursive calligraphy, I personally recommend the one by Teacher Tian Yingzhang first, and the second one by Teacher Li Fangming.

1. Tian Yingzhang

Teacher Tian Yingzhang's calligraphy is firm yet soft, relaxed and free. I personally like it very much.

The following are the works of teacher Tian Yingzhang:


2. Li Fangming

I also like Teacher Li Fangming’s calligraphy very much, and his style is quite similar to that of Teacher Tian Yingzhang.

Some people criticize Teacher Li Fangming's hard-pen calligraphy for exaggerated strokes and too obvious pauses, which are not beautiful enough. I feel fine.

The following are the works of teacher Li Fangming:


3. Comparison

Sima Yan pen calligraphy


The pictures are from the Internet and have been deleted.