Which is easier to master quickly, regular script or regular script? Personally, I recommend starting with regular script to get twice the result with half the effort. The reasons are as follows:


1. There is a saying in calligraphy that "the regular script is like standing, and walking is like walking";

Regular script is like a baby learning to stand, and running script is like standing and then learning to walk. You said you have never learned calligraphy before, so regular script is a level you must pass, so learn regular script first.

2. The content and methods of learning regular script;

The learning content of regular script is: first the strokes, then the radicals, then the structure, and finally the composition. None of these can be missing.

The learning method is: determine the copybook you have learned, and arrange the study time. It requires persistence and persistence for at least two months.

3. Lay a good foundation in regular script and then learn Xingkai script;

After you have a good foundation in regular script, you can start with a Xingkai copybook. You can study regular script and Xingkai together at the same time. Analyze, compare and summarize the writing changes between the two fonts. In this way, you can reach the level you need in the past three months. Not only does regular script pass the test, but writing in regular regular script also has traces to follow.

Therefore, there is a scientific basis for wanting to learn regular script first and then running script.