The difference between Xingkai and regular script is that Xingkai has more strings left by the strokes, and the frame structure is still similar to regular script, so you might as well disassemble the strokes of the Chinese characters in Xingkai and conquer them piece by piece.

In summary, write Xingkai with a regular script mentality. It doesn’t mean that you are in regular script mentally. You still have to have some video tapes. It is recommended that you slow down the pace when learning and pause in the middle.

If you want to learn Xingkai, you can take a look at this course "28 Days Hard Pen Xingkai Tutorial HD"


Day 01: Lower hook point, upper hook point, lower closing point .mp4

Day 02: Connect points horizontally and vertically .mp4

Day 03: Lower hook horizontal, two consecutive horizontal, three consecutive horizontal.mp4

Day 04: Right hook vertically, double vertically, triple vertically.mp4

Day 05: Hook skim, return skim, two consecutive skims, three consecutive skims.mp4

Day 06: Flat, diagonal, and counterattack .mp4

Day 07: Skimming Knot, Lower Left Knot, Earth Line Knot, Flow Line.mp4

Day 08: Two points of water, three points of water, beside the words.mp4

Day 09: Left ear knife, right ear knife, treasure hijab, grass head.mp4

Day 10: Single side, double side, vertical heart side, vertical knife side.mp4

Day 11: Next to the word wood, next to the word sign, next to the handle, next to the reverse dog.mp4

Day 12: The word part, the word part, the word part, the word part, and the word part.mp4

Day 13: Next to the word "food", next to the word "gold", next to the word "twist", next to the word "woman".mp4

Day 14: Square Frame, Same Frame, Door Frame .mp4

Day 15: The bottom of walking, the bottom of walking, the bottom of heart, and the bottom of four points.mp4

Day 16: Guang prefix, disease prefix, tiger prefix, and qi prefix.mp4

Day 17: Straight, Balanced, Square .mp4

Day 18: Long, flat, oblique, round .mp4

Day 19: The upward and downward expansion and contraction are positive .mp4

Day 20: The left assists the right, the right assists the left.mp4

Day 21: Full surround, left surround, right surround.mp4

Day 22: Horizontal and vertical, horizontal and vertical strokes are equally spaced, and vertical strokes are equally spaced.mp4

Day 23: The radicals are changeable, dense and dense, retracted and extended, looking forward to each other.mp4

Day 24: Tightening of the middle palace, cross-centering, balancing and evening, appropriate exaggeration.mp4

Day 25: Yielding and interweaving, being cautious about complexity and simplicity, welcoming the lower part, overlapping adhesion.mp4

Day 26: Strengthen opinions, avoid long flat characters, staggered heights, and retract and relax horizontal characters.mp4

Day 27: The wrists are uneven, the wrists are strong vertically, the wrists are handsome horizontally, and the upper part is in shape.mp4

Day 28: The slanted characters are powerful, evenly spaced, facing each other, and facing each other.mp4