Let me tell you a short calligraphy story first:

Wang Xianzhi learned calligraphy from his father since he was a child. After studying for a while, he encountered a bottleneck and became impatient. He felt that practicing hard every day was very hard. He thought there should be a shortcut to learning calligraphy, so he asked his father Wang Xizhi for tips.

One day, he walked into the study and saw his father writing at the desk. Wang Xianzhi took advantage of his father's break to change paper and asked carefully: "Dad, everyone praises your handwriting well. What's your secret?" Wang Xianzhi looked at it. Son, he thought to himself: "Knives need to be sharpened quickly, knowledge needs to be deep and hard." So he put down the pen and paper, took his son to the backyard, pointed to the eighteen large jars and said to his son: "Take these eighteen jars. The water is used to grind the ink, and when the water is used up, there should be progress!"

After listening to his father's words, the smart Wang Xianzhi deeply realized that there is no shortcut to writing calligraphy. Only by practicing calligraphy diligently can he write good calligraphy. As expected, he lived up to his father's expectations. He studied hard and patiently and finally became a follower. A famous calligrapher like his father.

It is valuable for a person to have talent, but this person is very talented, understands all principles, and knows every method. He is lazy every day and refuses to study and practice hard. He only thinks about taking shortcuts all day long. So is he good at calligraphy. Very difficult!

The following are the top ten reasons why handwriting is ugly. Parents, please be careful!


1. Schools and parents do not pay attention to writing

In the past, schools generally offered writing and calligraphy classes once a week. Now, with the increase in English, computer and other courses, writing classes exist in name only, and class hours are squeezed out. They are only shown on the class schedule, but not actually taught.

2. Computers are popularized, replacing handwriting

Some parents think that since they will all use computers in the future, it does not matter whether their handwriting is good or not. In fact, poor handwriting directly affects learning efficiency and test scores, and you will suffer losses in the quiz, high school entrance examination, and college entrance examination.

3. There are no specialized calligraphy courses

The Chinese teacher teaches part-time in the writing class. In fact, the children practice by themselves. The teacher does not teach them at all. Some writing classes are directly transferred to other classes.

4. The teacher’s calligraphy level is not high

Some teachers cannot write well, so how can students write well?

5. Students’ writing posture is incorrect

Students' sitting and pen-holding postures are incorrect, which directly leads to myopia, hunchback, spine distortion, and finger deformation. Wrong pen holding posture makes it difficult to write well.

6. Students have too much homework

The workload of students is generally very large. In order to finish it as early as possible, the children have to write in a hurry.

7. Parents think practicing calligraphy is a waste of time

Many parents feel that practicing calligraphy is a waste of time and it is better to learn something else. In fact, writing is closely related to many courses.

8. Tracing won’t help you write well.

During the holidays, parents can just buy a copybook and let their children trace it by themselves. In fact, choosing a copybook is also very important. You should choose a copybook that is arranged according to the order of basic strokes, radicals, rack structure, and chapter layout. Copying and tracing are just the first steps. Feelings must be written down in an exercise book before they are truly mastered.

9. Reluctant to spend money on calligraphy

We Chinese parents would rather spend tens of thousands of dollars in tuition to enroll their children in English classes, but are reluctant to spend hundreds of dollars on calligraphy classes or hard-tipped calligraphy classes. In fact, “Wherever money is spent, there will be progress.

10. Find a truly good teacher

The quality of calligraphy teachers in the society varies from good to bad. Some can write well but teach poorly, and some can teach but write irregularly. There are only a few calligraphy teachers who truly understand both calligraphy and education.