Good words, like beautiful women, are eye-catching and refreshing. Although it is said that people should not be judged by their appearance, everyone has a love for beauty. It is human nature to pursue beauty. Good calligraphy is like a beautiful scenery, which makes people yearn for... Good calligraphy can also give people a good impression.


So how do you develop good handwriting? First of all, we must adjust our concepts. We must firmly believe that as long as we master the correct method, we can practice writing well. Why? The reason is very clear: because the structural rules of Chinese characters are exactly the same, but the font size, writing tools and techniques are different. Some people are too mystical about how to write well. If you want to write well, you can't practice it for more than ten years and more... Some people also say that good calligraphy is a natural thing... and some people say that good handwriting is a talent, etc. These assertions are unrealistic. In fact, as long as the method is correct, the confidence is strong, and a certain period of practice is used, results can be achieved in less than a year.

Why are the structural rules of Chinese characters so important? Because characters are similar to people, the frame structure is like the body shape, and the strokes are like the face and skin. Writing is not just about writing one or two words, so if you put the structure in order and slowly improve your appreciation, you will naturally improve.

So to learn to write well, how should we learn knowledge step by step? First, start with the basic strokes, namely dot, horizontal, vertical, left, hold, lift, hook and fold. A character is like a machine. Practicing the basic strokes is like processing the "parts"; practicing the radicals is like starting the "assembly"; practicing the entire glyph is like entering the "final assembly". That is to say, learn "decomposition" first, and then learn "coherence". So basic strokes are the foundation. The general rule is: practice basic strokes first; then practice the sequence of strokes; thirdly, practice radicals; fourthly, practice glyph structure; fifthly, practice branch layout.

Are basic strokes that important? Yes, it’s not important, it’s very important! As the contemporary calligrapher Deng Sanmu emphasized, for example, when writing "horizontal", it should be slightly slanted, with the left side lower and the right side higher. The slope is about 5-15 degrees. Do not go below 5 degrees. No higher than 15 degrees. This is because human eyesight is not balanced. If the "horizontal" drawing is written as straight, then due to the illusion of the two eyes, it will seem that the end of the right end has fallen down, which is very unnatural. There are problems with the parts that make up these characters, so how can the glyphs be any better?

When we master the basic strokes and radicals, we will have basic skills. The next step is to learn the rules of the frame structure of fonts. Find the correct method and the right path, which means to distinguish whether it is a single character or a combined character in terms of structure. If it is a single character, you must grasp the center and center of gravity of the character. For example, the characters "Shang, Xia, Qian, Shi" and other characters are all single characters, so it is necessary to grasp its center of gravity: the horizontal strokes are slightly longer, the vertical strokes are slightly shorter, and the vertical strokes must be centered down (regular script). If it is a combined character, it is necessary to distinguish whether it is a left-right structure; Clarify these six differences, and then grasp them according to the definitions and organizational rules of the words. In this way, you can write a perfect and beautiful glyph. For example: the two characters Xing and Su are vertically aligned up and down. Pay attention to the center alignment; the two characters Hao and Ma have a left-right structure, with the left side being slightly smaller and the right side being slightly larger. As long as the spacing and density are properly controlled and the jaggedness is orderly, won't it look good? ? On the contrary, if the font shape is not distinguished, the density is improper, one is wide and the other is narrow, and the weight of the lines is not distinguished, it will be ugly.

Finally, when we learn Chinese character writing, we need to apply it to writing sentences or articles. Then the problem of composition and layout becomes prominent, and the role of composition and layout in visual image is particularly important, because it is not only related to the sparseness of the picture. Dense is related to the clarity and beauty of the picture, and it can be used to prove whether the layout of the content is comfortable and reasonable through the blank situation. Although the fonts are well written, but the composition and layout are not arranged properly, the price will be reduced by three points. Therefore, we must pay attention to the arrangement of the composition and layout, and develop good habits in daily writing.

Some people's handwriting is beautiful but not bearable. In fact, words are like women. When we appreciate a work, it is like appreciating a woman. There are often three situations:

1. It looks good at first glance, but cannot stand a closer look; (the calligraphy is good, but the stippling is not precise);

2. The effect is good at first glance, but not bad upon closer inspection; (the composition is average, but the stippling is exquisite);

3. At first glance, the effect is good. If you look closer, look carefully, and look at it for a long time... it is indeed a good work, and

The more you read it, the more interesting it becomes, and its connotation is very rich. (The breath is good, the composition is good, and the stippling is also exquisite).

So, how to write beautiful words?

1. Rules and regulations

The rules and regulations are like the design plan before building a building. If the plan is not up to standard, construction will not be possible. Therefore, before writing a work, you should first be familiar with the content of the work, and make a rough plan based on the number of words and the location of the signature, so that you can be confident.

2. Conclusion

The quality of knots can reveal an author's modeling ability. The structure of each Chinese character has their general pattern, but there is no definite formula. On the basis of not violating the calligraphy, everyone can use their imagination to create wonderful structures.

The knot characters in calligraphy also have their own general artistic rules, such as the density contrast of pointillism, the combination of length and shortness, the contrast of thickness, the combination of odd and positive, etc. A good knot is like the graceful movements in gymnastics. The close cooperation between two people in dance is full of fun and brings people unlimited wonderful enjoyment. "Gu" and "San" in "De Shi Tie", and 20 "Zhi" characters in "Lanting Preface". "Qing" and "Fang Qi" in "The Manuscript of Sacrifice to My Nephew".

3. Pointillism

Pointillism is the most basic element in calligraphy. It is impossible to write a good calligraphy work if you cannot write dot paintings well. The ability to write dots well has a lot to do with the use of pens. Sophisticated, sophisticated, complete, varied, interesting, and energetic pointillism is based on relatively reasonable brush-using methods, scientific training, and proficiency. Exquisite pointillism also has high appreciation value.

The ancients described pointillism as follows:

1. A point is like a falling stone from a high mountain;

2. A horizontal line is like a formation of clouds thousands of miles away, and the juxtaposition of several horizontal lines should be full of changes in strokes, back direction, length, etc.;

3. There should be a distinction between hanging needles and hanging needles vertically;

4. The continuous curves written in cursive script should be as vigorous and powerful as century-old dead vines;

5. The round lines should be like folding hairpin strands, round and elastic, etc.