1. The font for writing has been formed. Can it be changed and how to change it?




Answer: It can be changed, and it won’t take long. Many people think that writing has already taken shape and cannot be changed as we get older... This view is wrong. You know, writing well is not difficult, nor is it unattainable, but it is extremely easy to learn, as long as you use the right method and correct your old writing habits. Specifically, when you practice writing, you must correct your writing posture and method of holding the pen. This is the first condition.

Now I will give two examples of calligraphy practice by our ancestors and discuss this issue based on my own experience.

As we all know, Wang Xizhi, the sage of Chinese calligraphy, first learned calligraphy from Wei Shuo, and then he changed his learning after reading more famous works by famous writers such as Zhong Yao. It was he who carried on the past and opened up the future, turning the ancient calligraphy style into the beautiful and smooth modern style, and making creative contributions to regular script, running script and cursive script. This is Wang Xizhi's historical contribution in the history of Chinese calligraphy.

Let’s talk about Yan Zhenqing. He first learned from Chu Suiliang and later learned from Zhang Xu. He adopted the style of seal script and wrote dignified and majestic regular script. It was he who created a new style other than Erwang. Later, he learned from the regular script of Ouyang Xun and Huang Ziyuan, and pursued Huang Ruozhou's calligraphy in running script. He felt that there was still a long way to go and he still had to work hard. But no matter how many years it takes for your handwriting to take shape, it can be changed.


To write well, no matter your age, whether your writing is in shape or not, as long as you write diligently, make up your mind, realize the importance of your work and your future, you can write well after a lot of hard work.

Even if you start late, you can still catch up. Throughout the ages, there have been many famous teachers who became successful after studying in their thirties. Liang Hao of the Song Dynasty was admitted to Jinshi at the age of eighty-two. He chanted: "We also know that it is better for young people to pass the exams, but it is the mature people who compete for the leading position." Li Zhi of the Ming Dynasty abandoned his official position to study and was already fifty-four years old when he determined to write a book. His famous works "Book Burning" and "Collection of Books" were completed when he was sixty-four and seventy-three years old respectively.


Achievement does not depend on age, the key lies in ambition and perseverance.