Elementary school is the golden period for practicing calligraphy. In addition to writing well, you also need to write correctly! Writing is a technical action that must be practiced to master.


For children who go to school, the teacher has to teach dozens of students in the class. It is inevitable that children will make omissions in writing. If they develop wrong writing habits, it will be difficult to correct them!

How can primary school students master radicals on their own?

Radical word search method children's songs


See clearly the number of strokes of the radical, and check the page number of the radical catalog.

Remove the few strokes of the radical and find it in the character list.

Look at the page number and turn to the text, checking both sides of the vertical line carefully.


Determine how many drawings of radicals you want to draw, and check in the radical catalog.

Turn to the page number of the calligraphy table and count how many paintings are left.

Find the word in the word list and look at the page number of the text.

When I found the word in the text, my friend understood it and laughed.

Determine the radical children's song


It is not difficult to look up radicals. Look carefully at the radicals:

If there are no radicals, check the pen. If the phonetic characters are not found, check the shape next to them.

The first and bottom layers are radicals, so you can’t go wrong if you choose them correctly.

The left and right sides are radicals, so it is guaranteed to change from left to right.

The inner outer shell is the radical, discard the inner part and check the outer frame.

The whole character is a radical, just look it up and don’t hesitate.

There are two horns growing on the head of the word. Take the bottom corner and chop it off.

Some new characters are more special, and they need to stand tall and sit in the middle.

Tips for distinguishing radicals

It’s not surprising that the shape and sound are taken from the outside, and the surrounding structures are all taken from the outside.

If the left and right sides are equal, find the left side. If the left and right sides are not equal, always find the smaller number.

The upper part is divided into the lower part and the lower part is combined, and the rest is taken up but not taken down.

The shape of the single font is as a whole, and the radical is unknown.

Note: It is important to lay a good foundation, memorize formulas, solve word search problems, and make writing easier!

How do primary school students write radicals well?

1. Next to the word "口": upward as a whole, located on the upper left, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom

2. Two points of water: two strokes echo each other, pay attention to the angle of lifting

3. Next to a single person: use hanging dew vertically, start the pen vertically from the middle and lower part of the left hand, and use it as a virtual connection

4. Three points of water: the space at the first point is slightly smaller, the space at the second point is slightly larger, and the lifting direction is toward the tail of the first point.

5. Next to two people: the first stroke is short and flat, the second stroke is long and vertical, the two strokes point in different directions, and the vertical strokes are exposed, and the pen is started in the middle of the strokes

6. Right ear: use a hanging needle vertically, retract it up and place it down, the hook should be large

7. Left ear: use it vertically to expose, the hook should be small and closed down

8. Next to the words: point directly above or slightly to the left of the horizontal fold hook, and the lower left side of the fold pen is slightly slanted

9. Beside the handle: draw vertically downwards, align the right part

10. Next to the soil: the shape should not be large and aligned to the right

11. Next to the word "王": the horizontal strokes are equally spaced, the three horizontal strokes are all on the upper right, the last stroke is raised, avoid being wide

12. Next to the word "food": the left side should be slightly longer, the horizontal side should be short, the hook should be small, and the vertical side should be slanted to the left.

13. Next to the word gold: start the vertical hook at the intersection of the horizontal and vertical strokes, with the three horizontal strokes parallel and equidistant.

14. Next to the vertical center: Pay attention to the stroke order. The first stroke is in the middle of the long vertical stroke, and the second stroke is at the starting position of the first stroke.

15. Next to the word "山": the upper right angle of the vertical fold is larger, and the three vertical lines are equally spaced. It should not be too large.

16. Next to the twisted wire: the two folds point in different directions and are aligned to the right.

17. Reverse dog side: the two strokes have different directions and lengths, and the last stroke does not come out.

18. Next to the indication word: The dots are drawn right above the folded pen, and the last pen is close to the starting point of the vertical pen.

19. Beside the word 衣: the two dots in the last stroke should be compact. Pay attention to the stroke order and the last stroke should be dot.

20. Next to the stone character: It is located on the upper left, leaning to the right as a whole. It is short horizontally and should not be wide.

21. Beside the wood character: use hanging dew vertically, the horizontal stroke is longer on the left and shorter on the right, the last stroke is a dot, located in the middle of the vertical stroke, aligned to the right

22. Beside the word "harmony": the first stroke is short and flat, the horizontal stroke is long on the left and short on the right, the last stroke is dotted, aligned to the right

23. Beside the word rice: horizontally draw the left long and right short, vertically use hanging dew, right alignment, and change the dot at the end of the stroke

24. Next to the word "fire": pay attention to the stroke order, and don't change the point.

25. Next to the word "month": three horizontal lines are equally spaced, and the overall width is narrow and high.

26. Next to the word "日": overall narrow and long, three horizontal lines equally spaced, the last stroke becomes raised

27. Next to the word "eyes": the horizontal strokes are parallel and equidistant, the whole is narrow and long, and the last stroke becomes raised

28. Next to the bug: Lean to the right as a whole, pay attention to equidistant, right and even

29. Next to the word "zu": the shape should not be large, placed on the upper left and even on the right

30. Next to the character horse: the last stroke becomes difficult to lift, and the overall shape is narrow and tall.

For this reason, 15 Calligraphy Practice Network has also prepared special radical practice calligraphy books.