Nowadays, various high-tech products are very popular. People often type on computers or mobile phones and write by hand less and less. As a result, many parents do not pay attention to their children's calligraphy practice. This is a very bad phenomenon. Many adults They don’t realize the importance of practicing calligraphy, let alone primary school students who have just started learning to write. Children will officially start to read and write when they enter elementary school, so children and parents must pay enough attention to it.

In order to write well, children must practice calligraphy from an early age. Parents cannot ignore the basic skill of calligraphy!

First, let’s talk about the benefits of calligraphy practice for primary school students?

1. It is beneficial to the shaping of students' hand shapes, movements, and postures. It plays an important role in correcting bad writing postures and habits. It can also improve students' test scores for further studies.

2. Enrich knowledge: When writing, you often come into contact with many beautiful poems, aphorisms and famous quotes. If you accumulate more in this way, you can improve your own cultural accomplishment.

3. Cultivate observation skills: Chinese character writing pays attention to structure, strokes, and charm. It is a very delicate activity. To write well, you must be very focused and require a lot of concentration.

4. Cultivate perseverance: When practicing basic strokes, a simple stroke must be written in a standardized manner, and it must be written several times or dozens of times. When you see that each stroke you write is more standardized and more progressive than the last, you will see hope. , which also cultivates and stimulates interest. Through persistent practice, perseverance is developed, and this process penetrates the cultivation of psychological quality.

5. Develop the brain: The human brain is never-ending, and the more you practice, the more active it becomes. When practicing calligraphy, you cannot just write, the brain must be thinking, and doing it means using the brain. The two are inseparable. , even if it’s subconsciously using your brain. Sometimes you can practice some maze-type game cards, which are very helpful to exercise the right brain. If the right brain is well developed, the child's memory will be qualitatively improved.

6. Personality mark: No matter what era you are in, an autograph is a symbol of a person's identity. In ancient times, people's letters were also identified by their handwriting. Now some crazy fans are also scrambling to get the autographs of their favorite stars. The information age has never changed.

7. Improve aesthetic ability: The inner beauty of calligraphy requires students to examine it more. Because every stroke of a word has a setback in life, and every flow of a line has the weight and texture of humanity. Through the traces of words, students can feel the joy, anger, sorrow, joy and hatred of the calligrapher, and feel charm.

So how should primary school students practice calligraphy?

First: First of all, we must practice the basic skills of fast writing. Although writing fast in primary school does not require writing fast, in the future, when you go to middle school, university, or work, speed is the first priority. If you have not developed fast writing since childhood, Movement habits will cost you more time when you grow up, and they may not be able to be corrected. Of course, writing quickly does not only mean writing cursive fonts (ligated characters). Elementary school students still write regular script fonts, but they cannot write stroke by stroke.

Second: In addition to fast basic skills, you must also practice flexible basic skills. Flexibility refers to changes in size and speed. If you cannot change flexibly, writing will be easy to become stereotyped. It is not a good thing to become stereotyped.

Third: In terms of applied practice, we should pay more attention to skillful practice rather than hard practice. We should focus on the daily learning of characters for basic skills and the application of basic methods. It does not depend on the number of characters practiced, but on the premise of interest. In order to achieve the best results, if you blindly emphasize tracing red lines and copying copybooks, it is easy for students to lose interest. You must know that interest is a good teacher of learning.

It is very important to choose a good calligraphy practice book. Recommended copybooks suitable for primary school students to practice calligraphy:

1. Gu Zhongan

Teacher Gu's calligraphy seems more feminine than Lu Zhongnan's calligraphy. It may be that the horizontal strokes are more curved than Lu Zhongnan's, making the whole look rounder; his calligraphy is suitable for girls to practice.


2. Ding Yongkang

Teacher Ding's calligraphy is very masculine, with a structure like steel and precise strokes. I personally like it very much. It’s easy for primary school students to grasp the essence!


3. Sima Yan

It is recommended for primary school students to get started. Its characteristics are concise and clear, not sloppy, there are few cursive strokes in running script, and the basic skills are solid. Sima Yan's calligraphy is very popular, and the one that suits most people is the best.


Children can write well when they are in primary school, and they will no longer worry about writing when they reach middle school. While other children have to spend a lot of time practicing calligraphy due to poor handwriting, your child can save more time to study cultural classes, so that your child will have an advantage in the fierce competition.