Many children's handwriting is too sloppy and difficult to read. Elementary school is the golden age for practicing handwriting. How can we teach children to write good handwriting?


First: Slow down. Many children only pursue speed when doing homework, and finish quickly before playing games, which results in sloppy fonts. Therefore, as a parent, you should check your child's homework in time. If you find that the font is not neat, let your child do it again. You must correct your child's attitude.

Second: basic strokes. Teach children basic strokes such as horizontal and vertical strokes, strokes, and strokes, and first write these basic strokes beautifully.

Third: Copy. Tracing and copying are very important ways for children to practice calligraphy. Some children simply don’t know how to write neatly with the frame structure of fonts.

Find a calligraphy copybook for your child that is suitable for the student's age, buy copy paper, and let your child copy.

Fourth: Fixed time.

Set a fixed time for the child every day based on his age and attention characteristics, such as 7:00 to 7:15 every night. Fixed time is conducive to the development of children's habits, forming conditioned reflexes, and cultivating students' interest in calligraphy practice.

Fifth: Don’t take too long.

Especially at the beginning, the time should not be too long. If it is too long, it is easy for children to feel disgusted and their muscles are also prone to soreness.

Sixth: Pay attention to the child's sitting posture. The three principles are "one inch, one foot, one fist", "head upright, body upright, and feet secure." I should always remind you about the posture of holding a pen.

Seventh: Appropriate rewards. When children successfully complete tasks every day

When writing, you must be confident. It is a big taboo to always look at each stroke and write one by one. It is a big taboo to write blindly at a glance, which is called "copying". Neither of these will work. Huang Tingjian said that he can only start writing if he can see the word reappearing in front of his eyes when he closes his eyes. If you don’t have that much time, you can first read and write one stroke at a time, and then read and write each word at the second time. Gradually practice until you can read and write line by line and keep the stroke structure of the words in mind. Therefore, parents of children practicing calligraphy must pay attention to the methods of calligraphy practice.