What should you practice first if you want to write well? If you want to practice calligraphy well, you must first be able to control your pen.

There is a popular saying recently that if you want to write well, you must start by controlling your pen. What is pen control? Why do you need to practice pen control? How to practice pen control?

What is pen control?


To put it simply, pen control is to practice the control of the pen by hand, the posture of holding the pen, the focus of the pen, etc. Let the pen be in your hand with ease, and you can write well.

Why practice pen control?

Just like practicing piano, you must first practice fingering, playing basketball, you must first learn to dribble, playing football, you must first practice ball control, and singing, you must first practice vocalization. To learn any skill, you need to practice its foundation. So what is the basis for practicing calligraphy? That is - pen control. Only by mastering the basics of calligraphy practice can you write good calligraphy.

How to practice pen control?

1. Correct pen holding posture


Three stages of pen control training

The first step, line control pen

The most common pen control exercise is line exercise. Through practicing basic lines, you can develop the strength and flexibility of your hands and wrists. Lines from shallow to deep, straight lines, diagonal lines, broken lines, curves, combined lines, changes in thickness, and seven steps of step-by-step practice. Through repeated descriptions, the purpose of pen control training is achieved.

The second step is basic stroke training 

Once you have mastered the lines, you should practice the basics of Chinese characters - strokes. Once you practice your strokes, you will become more comfortable writing every word. 39 basic strokes + combined strokes, as well as corresponding model characters, make the foundation of calligraphy training more solid.

The third step, basic radical training

After you have mastered lines and strokes, you can proceed to radical training step by step. Each character is composed of several radicals. Practicing radicals well is to lay a good foundation for practicing calligraphy. 80 commonly used radicals and their corresponding Chinese characters make it no longer difficult to practice radicals well.

Practicing calligraphy is a long-term process, and the foundation needs to be laid slowly. Just like building a house, you need to lay a good foundation. A building is stable only when the foundation is laid. The most important thing is to practice calligraphy and lay a solid foundation. Controlling the pen is the foundation and the key. The words can be written beautifully.

Good calligraphy and pen control copybooks should be purchased at the 15 Calligraphy Online store.


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