For adults, you can sign up for a class, but you may not have enough time. For young children, it is recommended to sign up for a class. For adults, it is recommended to study by yourself. Of course, self-study of calligraphy requires more practice, but you must have a good method. Choosing the right method is half the battle.


1. It is best to go to the bookstore to buy a calligraphy tutorial that interests you, and read it carefully. First, you will have a comprehensive understanding of calligraphy and master a relatively comprehensive basic knowledge. This is very necessary for your development in calligraphy to stay in the right direction and path.

2. Choose a relatively good famous book, preferably one you like, and copy it carefully. Generally speaking, you should study in Kaixingcao order. When you reach a level that you feel quite satisfied with (if you insist on practicing every day, this period of time is estimated to take half a year to a year and a half), you can go to the teacher with your own exercises. Only then can you understand the teacher's guidance. Because you have practical experience, the effect will be good. That's why I didn't ask you to become a disciple from the beginning. This is for self-study by adults, and is another matter for young children.

3. Calligraphy is a very profound art and knowledge, and you must keep practicing. You must have heard the story of Wang Xizhi. Practice more. If you want to do it well, you must practice hard, persevere, and persist throughout your life. In addition to being determined and confident, you must continue to expand your knowledge and improve your cultural quality and accomplishments as your level continues to increase. This is all effective in learning calligraphy well. As for what you should learn, you can slowly experience it in practice. There is no need to say too much now.

Look at the shape of the strokes and see what shape they look like by tapping horizontally and vertically. Second, look at the font, what shape the character is, that is, how the strokes that make up the character are arranged and combined, which stroke is long, which is short, which is big, which is small. Third, look at how the characters are connected, that is, how the upper and lower characters are connected. Fourth, look at how the lines are related. After you see it clearly, you still need to understand it, that is, you want to understand how people write, how the pen moves, the strokes and the order of the strokes.

Only when you see clearly, think clearly, and then work hard and practice can you write well. If you have the desire to write well, a good method, and your perseverance, you can be sure that you will see initial results in ten days, big changes in one month, and impressive results in three months. In less than half a year , you will develop good handwriting.