In our daily work, study and interactions, we have to write almost every day. Among the tools used for writing, pens are most often used. This is becauseThe pen is easy to use, clean, can write fluently, has clear handwriting, can be retained for a long time, and is easy to carry, so it is very practical.Today, whether we write letters, compose compositions, keep diaries, do homework, or fill out forms, we almost all write with pens. These words written with a pen are not only for yourself to read, but also for others to read. Therefore, it is necessary to write the words well to achieve the purpose of easy recognition and reading, otherwise, the words will not be able to play a good role.

Regarding the meaning of good pen writing, As early as 1962, Mr. Guo Moruo said in his inscription to "People's Education": "To train primary and secondary school students to write well, it is not necessary for everyone to become a calligrapher. The calligraphy must be in compliance with the specifications, relatively straight, clean, and easy to read. It is good to develop a habit like this. It can make people attentive, easy to concentrate their will, and good at caring for others. It is easy to make mistakes if you act hastily, carelessly, and act arbitrarily. " Mr. Shen Yinmo also said: "Practicing calligraphy is not only good for the body, but also develops a sharp and calm mind that is good at observing, considering, and handling affairs. "These two are both famous contemporary calligraphers. Their words are a summary of their lifelong experience in learning calligraphy, which is very reasonable.

So, what exactly is the point of writing good pen calligraphy? the author thinks:


Conducive to work and study

We do homework and take notes in class, meetings, and work. If the handwriting is well written, it will not only facilitate our own reading and review, but also facilitate communication among colleagues and the teacher's review. On the contrary, if the handwriting is not well written, the strokes are sloppy, the face is unclear, the words are staggered, or even full of errors, it will be difficult for people to recognize and even cause unnecessary misunderstandings. This not only wastes other people's time and energy, but also affects our work and study.


Conducive to social communication

Each of us has to connect with society and others, and correspondence can be said to be the most common form. If the letter writer's handwriting is good, the recipient will read it smoothly and easily, which will not only help achieve the purpose of transmitting the message, but also make the other party have a good impression of you and facilitate further communication. On the contrary, if the handwriting is not neat and messy, it will be difficult to read, which will not only affect the work efficiency, but also make the other party feel bored and have a headache with what you have written.


Conducive to cultivating a serious and responsible spirit

Pen calligraphy is meant to be written for people to see. If your handwriting is neat and correct so that people can understand it at a glance, it means that you are very serious about your work and will not be careless. At the same time, it also reflects that you respect others and are willing to treat yourself. Responsible spirit. If a person wants to write well, he must work hard, so it can cultivate a person's good habits of concentration and perseverance.


Conducive to the improvement of aesthetic level and sentimental cultivation

Writing, like playing the piano, reciting poetry, and painting, can cultivate one's temperament, strengthen related artistic accomplishments, and purify the soul. Therefore, good handwriting can reflect a person's moral character and spiritual outlook, just like the beauty of language and behavior. An honest and steady person's handwriting is not likely to be garish. Similarly, it is difficult for a careless person to write neat and elegant handwriting. "Words are pictures of the heart", this is the truth.


Good for your health

Writing is a good exercise. When writing, you should concentrate on meditation, eliminate all distracting thoughts, and let your heart and hands interact, and the pen and paper touch. In this way, on the one hand, the mind is concentrated, and on the other hand, the muscles and bones are moved. Over time, the writer's body and mind will be tempered, and his emotions will become peaceful and far-reaching, which will naturally extend his life. This is the fundamental reason why most great calligraphers in the past dynasties lived long lives. Furthermore, writing is the same as practicing Qigong. When practicing Qigong, you should eliminate distracting thoughts and focus on guarding the Dantian; but what about writing? I can't help but eliminate distracting thoughts and focus on the tip of my pen.

Today, more and more people are asking to learn calligraphy, which is undoubtedly a good thing. But we must also see that due to various reasons, there are many people who do not have the conditions and time to learn calligraphy and give up halfway in learning. In contrast, everyone has to write pen calligraphy. It is easy to learn and has quick results. Even if you don’t want to be a calligrapher, writing good pen calligraphy as an art has a wide range of uses and is worthy of the requirements of the times. .

When we say good pen calligraphy, we mean that the calligraphy must be written correctly and in a standardized manner, and it must also be beautiful and artistic. Only if the writing is correct and standardized, can people understand the meaning at a glance; only if the writing is beautiful and artistic can people be pleasing to the eye and happy in spirit, so that the role of words can be better exerted.