I remember when I first started practicing calligraphy, I often heard people say: practicing calligraphy is a hard job, especially practicing regular script. Without a lot of patience and perseverance, you won't be able to persist for long. When I first heard this, I didn’t think it was so difficult to practice calligraphy. But with the cold winter approaching, I got up early to practice calligraphy, and then I realized that practicing calligraphy is really not easy. No wonder the ancients often said that practicing calligraphy in the summer is three days, and practicing calligraphy in the winter is three nine. Perhaps only through such diligent study and practice can we realize the true joy of calligraphy! Why should beginners learn regular script first?


Although there are many book friends who practice calligraphy at the same time, the majority of book friends focus on regular script. So not only the author, I believe you, book friends, are also curious about why book friends who learn calligraphy must start with regular script in advance. Woolen cloth? Is regular script really the basic skill of calligraphy?

First of all, let’s discuss in detail whether regular script is the basic skill of calligraphy. Regarding this point, book friends who have often read the author’s articles before should also know that the author has already written an article before, which is professional and detailed. It describes whether regular script, a calligraphy style, is the basic skill of calligraphy. At the end, it also points out directly in the article:

The basic skills of calligraphy are by no means determined by a single discipline of regular script. The basic skills of calligraphy can only be determined by mastering the composition and ink techniques of calligraphy, as well as a certain level of writing skills. Otherwise, like in the Qin and Han dynasties, Aren't those calligraphers who wrote "Cao Quan Stele", "Yi Ying Stele", "Shi Chen Stele" and "Yishan Stele" considered calligraphers? Therefore, regarding the issue of whether regular script is the basic skill of calligraphy, the author once again introduced it in detail. I hope book friends will keep it in mind!

Then the next question comes again. Since regular script is by no means the basic skill of calligraphy, why do people who learn calligraphy rush to learn it? Even the older generation of calligraphers often specialize in regular script. Is the charm of regular script really so great? Don't be impatient, wait for the author to explain slowly!

1 Regular script is popular and well-known

When it comes to the popularity and familiarity of calligraphy, I am afraid that this is a major advantage of regular script, because compared to official script and seal script, regular script is not very far away, and it is easier to identify, so generally speaking, for learning calligraphy, Teachers will all recommend learning regular script first, because once you learn regular script, you can then learn Han Li, or choose to learn Xingkai and other calligraphy styles such as Jinxing. At the same time, because you have a foundation in regular script, you can dabble in other books. The body will not appear blind.

Of course, some book friends will also argue that it is better for beginners to learn official script as much as possible, because after mastering the writing style of official script, they can get a glimpse of the Qin seal script and learn the rules of Tang Kai script. Regarding this argument, Master Hongyi previously said that beginners are advised to practice calligraphy from seal script, because both Han Li and Tang Kai evolved from seal script. Therefore, by learning seal script, you can not only recognize many unseen characters, but also learn Chinese characters. You can master the most critical center strokes in calligraphy, so you can kill two birds with one stone. However, whether beginners learn official script or seal script first, it does not affect the fact that regular script is a must-learn style and the best choice for beginners.

2 Extensive practical writing value

Regular script is not only an ideal calligraphy style for self-cultivation, but also for practicing calm kung fu. At the same time, it also has a wide range of practical values. General inscriptions that praise virtues, inscriptions on the walls of palaces and temples, scriptures, etc. are all written in regular script. At the same time, Its ornamental value is also very good. For example, in temples and exhibition halls, if a beautiful regular script is hung, it will not only complement other calligraphy styles, but also give people a quiet and peaceful atmosphere. Therefore, regular script is said to be It’s not an exaggeration to say that you will never tire of it.

3 Best Calligraphy Styles for Self-cultivation

Today's calligraphy is too utilitarian, and today's life pace is accelerating. Therefore, after being exhausted, I always want to practice calligraphy to relax the tense nerves and adjust the atmosphere and pressure. If I can do it in an elegant place Sit in an environment of burning incense, and then calmly write the number of crosses in regular script. Inadvertently, it can always calm people down. If it can be combined with poetry, literature, painting and other arts and literature, it can not only improve one's aesthetic concepts, but also make people feel at ease. Your own soul has been sublimated, so writing can not only nourish your body and mind, but also express your talents and cultivate knowledge. Therefore, regular script among all calligraphy styles is naturally the best choice.

4. Can enhance writing power and charm

Behind truly excellent calligraphy is the beauty of commonality, but writing an excellent piece of calligraphy is not easy. It is not easy to use a soft brush to splash ink on rice paper with ease. At the same time, the author of calligraphy is more It is particularly important, and practicing regular script can enhance the penmanship in calligraphy. It is not only related to holding the pen, but also to the movement of the wrist, and it will also be affected by the thickness and depth of the stippling, as well as the rhythm and posture of the pen, and these Common calligraphy factors can be well exercised in practicing regular script. If you can dabble in Wei and Jin small regular script in the later period, the calligraphy charm will have its own character.

5 Cultivate delicate spiritual qualities

Practicing regular script can cultivate a person's delicate and precise quality of details. This is just like when we practice calligraphy on calligraphy, if we blindly focus on square pens, it will be rigid but not rhyme; if we only use round pens, we will be confused. As a result, the character is weak and boneless. At the same time, if you move the pen too fast or too slowly, it will cause the character to be too dull and bloated.

Therefore, when writing regular script, you must strive to make every stroke and every stroke perfect and meticulous, and these can be a good exercise when practicing regular script. Therefore, when we look at the regular script works of the ancients, they are not all the same thick and thin. It is obvious that the lines and strokes have changes in weight, virtuality, solidity, dryness and wetness, and these subtle and imperceptible detail changes are vividly expressed in regular calligraphy.

Finally, regarding the article "Regular script is so difficult to write, why should beginners learn regular script first? Book friends: It's because of these five major advantages", the author has briefly introduced it here. At the same time, the author also mentioned "regular script" in the article , is it the basic skill of calligraphy?" At the same time, the author also explains based on a few of his own experiences, "Why do beginners learn calligraphy from regular script first?"

Perhaps to put it simply, whether it is Ouyang Xun who wrote "Jiucheng Palace", Yan Zhenqing who wrote "Duobao Pagoda", or Liu Gongquan who wrote "Xuanmi Pagoda", their regular scripts can be seen in their pen strokes, and their regular script works It has always been an excellent model for learning regular script, so learning calligraphy usually starts from regular script, and book friends who study regular script will generally study more or less these must-learn models for learning regular script for thousands of years.

Finally, at the end of the article, the author offers a motto for learning calligraphy from Tian Yunzhang, a famous contemporary regular script master. In fact, it does not mean to belittle calligraphers. I just hope that everyone can refer to it appropriately when learning calligraphy: It takes a year to write a topic, but it takes a boat to cross the river. Knocking on the door brick, half a sentence of loyal words can save the sweetness and bitterness, and the regular style is Ouyang Mo Xuetian.