When choosing calligraphy books for learning hard-pen calligraphy, we prefer small-script copybooks, which are closer to the font size and writing form of hard-pen calligraphy. And because most of the previous people used small regular script, it was helpful to lay the foundation in terms of strokes and structure.

The types and styles of Linxi's copybooks should not be mixed. Try to choose only one or two copybooks with similar styles. It is recommended to choose the copybooks of Linwen Zhengming and Zhao Mengfu.

Wen Zhengming's small regular script can choose "Yue Fu", "Qin Fu", "Ten Chronicles of the Cottage", "Laozi", "Pangu Preface" and other works; Zhao Mengfu can choose "Wu Yi", "Ji An Zhuan", "Tao Te Ching" and "Luo Shen Fu" Waiting for post.



As for the order of studying, you can first study Zhao Mengfu's "Tao Te Ching" and "Wu Yi" to master the frame structure, and then study "Ji An Zhuan" and "Luo Shen Fu" with a bit of cursive script.





Wen Zhengming's small regular script style is basically the same, but the structure and calligraphy style in the later period are a little sideways and steep, and his personality is more prominent. We can learn in the order of easy things first and then hard things, and then the most difficult things and then the most dangerous things.


In learning, we should first get a master's degree and then a doctorate. After thoroughly mastering one font style, we should learn another style of font. On this basis, we can further explore the commonalities and individual characteristics and integrate them. For example, there is a passage in "The Biography of Ji An" that was added later by Wen Zhengming. At first glance, the styles are very similar, but after careful study, we find that each has its own interest. This will inspire us to apply what we have learned and write articles. Thoughts on posting.

In short, writing ancient calligraphy notes can make our hard-written words have "origin" and connotation, but we should not just be trapped in them. Our goal is to be able to write quickly and well in daily life, which requires in addition to persistence In addition to unremitting practice, you must also make choices about the inapplicable aspects of ancient writings, so that you can learn hard-stroke calligraphy as quickly as possible.