Writing is different from practicing acrobatics. It is not necessary for young workers to do it. It is even the opposite. When I was young and didn't know much about calligraphy, how could I explain the meaning of his writing? It is not necessary to learn calligraphy when you are young. Practicing calligraphy can help with literacy. If your hands and eyes are familiar, your memory will be accurate. Most people's superstitions originate from misunderstandings or asking what style of learning books should be studied, and they think there is a method but no style. The so-called no body does not mean that there is no certain style, but that there is no strict limit of a certain style. In terms of Yan calligraphy, Duobao is different from Magu, and Yan Temple is different from Guo Temple. As for competing for seats, offering sacrifices to nephews, and writing drafts, they are also different from the tablets. But why do you care about your appearance? When it comes to appearance and body, what is the criterion? The appearance and body are like this, and his family is the same.

Glyph structure should respect habits   

There are also people who use the pen as a book and claim not to seek resemblance in appearance. This is no different from a thin person pretending to be a fat person. When people realize that they are deceitful, they say that they don’t look alike in appearance, but you just recognize me as Jia Ke. If you see it and still don’t recognize it, then you say you don’t understand. The "Huang Ting Sutra", which has been read thousands of times and carved hundreds of times, is the best way to deceive people.

What you wrote was about knife skills, not pen skills.   

All the tablets and dharma stickers were published and engraved. Even if the engraving skills are superb, the stele such as "Hot Spring Inscription" and the calligraphy such as "Grand View Calligraphy" are almost like black characters written in white powder, there will be almost no regrets. The wet and dry shades of the brush are still invisible. Studying calligraphy is like not knowing the difference between a sharp knife and a sharp edge. You can read the way deep in the pond at midnight.

When choosing a brush, don’t buy a casket or a pearl.   

The main front is long and the secondary front is even. The tube should be light and not wrinkle. The so-called long edge does not refer to the thin body. The golden rod is tied to the well rope, which is difficult to use but frightening.

Too much resemblance to the posts is also a disease   

Or ask if Lin Tie is suffering, what can he do? He told him: It can never be like it, and no one can be like it. Even if there are similarities, they are only superficial, superficial, and partial, but not true. If Gou Linzhi can obtain the true resemblance, then the law will not be based on the signature.

If you imitate today's people, you'll be finished   

To study calligraphy, it is better to read ancient inscriptions and calligraphy than to just study people from the time, because the inscriptions and inscriptions are far away from me. The ancient paper and pens, as well as the methods of using them, were all different. If you can't learn it, everyone has his own way of doing things, and this becomes another aspect. The books written by famous writers are the product of the combination of the ancient masters' wisdom and their own problems.

There is no fixed way to write  


The ancients sat on the ground, holding the pen in their left hand, with no place for their elbows and wrists to rest. Therefore, when the pen is in the air, it can move in six directions. That is, front, back, left and right, as well as lifting and pressing. In the Song Dynasty, there were already high tables and chairs with elbows and wrists pressed against the tables. They were no longer ethereal, but were said to have the elbows hanging over the wrists. If the elbows and wrists hang flat, the shoulders and arms will be stiff. If you know this principle, even if you stick to the case and your fingers and wrists are not dead, you will still be able to obtain a good book.

"Calligraphy boy skill" is fake   

Writing is different from practicing acrobatics. It does not require a little effort, and it is even the opposite. When I was young and didn't know much about calligraphy, how could I explain the meaning of his writing? It is not necessary to learn calligraphy when you are young. Practicing calligraphy can help with literacy. If your hands and eyes are familiar, your memory will be accurate.

Let’s read the book review when writing the paper.   

Or I asked what kind of ancient treatises should be read in academic books. The answer is that if you have money, you can buy the posts, if you have time, you can read the posts, and if you have paper and pen, you can copy the posts. When I want to write an article, I read the treatises again, and I don't worry about the lack of ears in the manuscript.