As the saying goes, a word is like its face, and a word is like its person. In the keyboard era, you also need to practice calligraphy. A well-organized and beautiful calligraphy is your best face and extraordinary charm.


When today's children are very young, parents will enroll them in various interest classes, just to prevent their children from losing at the starting line. Calligraphy is also more popular with parents and children because calligraphy can cultivate children to be more careful. , more practical.

Zhang Yuyang from Baoshan District, Shanghai, studied at Luojing Central School, Baoshan District, Shanghai. At present, he has passed the calligraphy level 8 of the "National Art Level Examination of the Art Development Center of the Ministry of Culture". Each stroke of her works is quite lawful and has certain skills.


Her calligraphy works, which are less than 11 years old, won the "Shanghai Youth Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Exhibition" entry award in 2019; in December 2019, she won the first prize in the "National Art Examination Teachers and Students Calligraphy and Painting Grand Prix".

Now, more and more exams are beginning to use "electronic grading", especially large-scale exams such as the high school entrance examination and the college entrance examination. Electronic grading also places more demands on children's writing standards and answering habits.

Good handwriting has also become one of the conditions for getting high scores in exams. If your child's handwriting is not good, your child's future performance will suffer greatly! If you have children at home with unclear or irregular handwriting, you should seize the time to practice calligraphy.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t write well. Click on the online customer service to contact us. We have online calligraphy video tutorials from famous teachers. Children can follow the videos at home on weekends.