What’s the best way for third grade students to practice calligraphy?

Children who cannot write well often experience huge setbacks when they first start writing. It must be written in the grid, and it must be written in an orderly manner in the rice-shaped grid. If it exceeds a little, the teacher will punish it, and it must be erased and rewritten. Parents will yell at me if I write too slowly. This is a big setback for primary school students, which can lead to deep depression. I am quite resistant to writing. The same is true for adults. The better people are at writing, the more they love to write. The worse people are at writing, the more lazy they are. So encouragement at the beginning is important. Even if the child writes the word "山" crookedly, still praise him. Instead of mocking him, you didn't write a word "山" in the grid, you are too bad. Some parents erase what their children have written to set an example for their children. Look at what I wrote, horizontally and vertically... You have signed more names in your life than he has ever written. I don’t believe any child can do this. Write a word correctly in the grid, unless he doesn't want to.

Our child is in fourth grade and his handwriting is very good. There is no need for the teacher to complain, we ourselves can’t stand it. But his father didn't criticize him at all. His father said to him, you are really too smart, so smart that your brain is too fast to keep up with your hands. But when handing in homework and exams, you have to slow down, because the teacher has no special powers and will get into your head to see if you really know. The teacher will only understand you through what you write. Our children are still very lazy, but they are not negative about writing at all. I took notes just like a doctor would write a prescription, but when I handed in my homework for the exam, I wrote it neatly.

So writing is often an expression of emotion. There is a kind of metaphysics that says that writing can reveal a person's character. One hour a day, 16 days of writing lessons is too much. There is nothing difficult to learn during this class, so why should we learn to write? Parents should establish a writing goal. Most children don't want to be calligraphers, and they really don't care whether they can write well or not. It is neat and tidy so that the marking teacher is not tired of reading. This is the most basic standard. To achieve this goal, you don’t need to go to tutoring classes, just write well with a correct attitude. Now that I’m on vacation, write for 10 minutes each morning and evening for 16 days, and you will make great progress. For third-grade children, I recommend buying third-grade lessons to practice. They are available in bookstores. This not only allows you to practice calligraphy, but also increases your memory of new words. Something like this.


Everyone talks about cultivating children's future abilities. Writing good calligraphy is definitely not high on the list of future abilities. When our children usually write compositions, I ask them to type on the computer and copy them to manuscript paper. Is it possible that when third- and fourth-grade children reach high school, more computers will be substituted? I believe there will be this trend.

Another thing to add is a writing tool. Generally, children start learning to write when they are 6-8 years old. You can buy pencil holders and hole pens for children. If they have not been used, you can also buy them and let them try them. If they are used, they will not need them anymore, which is more than ten years old. bucks. Then I bought a better rubber for my child. These will make it easier for him to write.

Praise your children as they learn new skills. Every child is an angel holding a pen.
