How to practice calligraphy every day?

First of all, you must be interested. Interest is the source of all motivation. If you don't have interest, don't force it. It will feel very tiring. Secondly, every improvement can also enhance your motivation. Read more famous posts and remember the stroke order. You might as well start with regular script, which is easy to read, beautiful and practical. You can also start with your favorite ancient poems and famous sentences. If you think it is not If you know how to write, I will tell you a method. There are also various ancient posts by famous writers on the 15 calligraphy practice website. If you copy them carefully, you will definitely succeed!


So how do you persist?

Before talking about how to persevere, let’s first analyze the first question, why do we practice calligraphy? If we practice calligraphy just on a whim, or after a little stimulation, and then have such a not so strong idea to practice calligraphy, then it will be strange that you can persist. Most of the things we can persist in have two reasons:

1. For a certain lofty ambition, regardless of the source of this ambition, this ambition is a positive guidance, which allows us to persist.

2. To escape pain. Or being laughed at, being embarrassed in front of the one you love, or being strongly stimulated on similar occasions, and you can't escape for a while, then avoiding pain becomes a motivation to persevere, every time you want to give up , that pain will reappear, encouraging us to persevere.

If we want to practice calligraphy, first ask us, why do we want to practice calligraphy? Is there a reason why you must persist and practice?

Do you want to be a calligrapher? Famous all over the world, passed down from generation to generation.

Do you want your children to see your beautiful handwriting? Then he can proudly say to his classmates: "My father's handwriting is the most beautiful!"

Do you want to give yourself more opportunities for promotion and salary increase? A beautiful font can make you stand out. . . . .

Take a look at those advertisements, see if there is any one that makes you excited, write it down, and then stick it in the most conspicuous place. At the same time, treat calligraphy practice as something that must be done in the day. Whenever you have time, take out a copybook and write these few lines. Make it an indispensable part of your life, so that you can stick to it!

Finally, I wish your writing will get better and better!