Pen calligraphy not only requires writing to be accurate, clear, standardized, and clear at a glance, but also emphasizes beautiful, vivid, artistic, and pleasing shapes. Therefore, it is an art with great practical value. Because it has both the flavor of brush calligraphy and the characteristics of fountain pen calligraphy, it is called fountain pen calligraphy.

To appreciate pen calligraphy is to appreciate its artistry that arouses aesthetic pleasure.This artistry is nothing more than the beauty of lines, structure, composition and style.

The lines of pen calligraphy are beautiful,

Summarize the characteristics of the pen,

In terms of the form of stippling and the rhythm of using the brush.

Let's take the regular script character "Yong" as an example. The lines are smooth, straight, and definite, and have the characteristics of a pen: the dots are like fallen stones, the strokes are like orchid leaves, the hooks are like iron nails, and the dots are clear and have different shapes; the pen can be light or heavy. , light and thin, heavy and rough, fast and slow, fast and slow, full of rhythm. Only in this way can the eight strokes of the character "Yong" have strength, dynamics, charm, and beautiful lines.

The structural beauty of pen calligraphy,

Mainly reflected in the shapes of various fonts.

Regardless of whether it is regular, cursive, official, seal, or line, it must be shaped according to the diverse and unified laws of beauty such as proportion, symmetry, balance, stability, contrast, and correspondence. For example, the character "书" in running script has eight horizontal strokes. Except for one horizontal stroke, the remaining seven horizontal strokes are of different lengths, with consistent pitches, and are completed in one go, allowing for maximum variety. The whole word "book" is stable and colorful, showing movement in silence, giving people a sculpture-like beauty.

The beauty of pen calligraphy,

They are all reflected in the composition of the entire work.

There are two forms of pen calligraphy, one is traditional direct writing, and the other is modern horizontal writing, but both require "the lines must have movable characters and the characters must be vivid", and the composition must be complete, natural, consistent, harmonious, and Integrated and interesting. It gives the impression that the neat and graceful form is like a pattern painting, highly decorative, flowing and ethereal like light music, and highly interesting.

The style of pen calligraphy is beautiful,

It is reflected in the author's unique personality.

"Words are like people". Due to different skills, accomplishments, personalities, etc. of each person, various styles have been formed. Some are like mountains and seas, very heroic; some are like small bridges and flowing water, very elegant; some are like flying sky, light and elegant; some are like green pines, simple and solid; some are fresh like lotus with dew; some are as beautiful as the reflected moon. Magnolia. Different styles give people different aesthetic feelings.

When appreciating pen calligraphy works, you can appreciate them from near to far, that is, from lines to structure, composition to style. Just like in a movie shot, from close-up to close-up, then to medium shot, and then to long shot or panorama. The advantage of this appreciation method is that it is easy to understand and accept, and the feeling is deeper or comprehensive.

When appreciating pen calligraphy works, you can also choose the best ones according to your personal interests and hobbies. Some are good at writing, so you might as well appreciate the style; some are beautiful in shape, so you might as well appreciate the shape; some are famous for their momentum, so you might as well appreciate the momentum; some are good at charm, so you might as well appreciate the charm. The advantage of this appreciation method is that it is impressive and easy to gather the strengths of others.