Young people who have just embarked on the path of calligraphy are full of youth, full of pride, and dream of making a vigorous career in calligraphy. Avant-garde ideas and youthful vitality inspire them. It can be said that newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. However, calligraphy is an art after all, it is all-encompassing and passion alone is not enough. It also depends on hard work and long-term accumulation. There are no winter and summer vacations here, no timetable for classes and classes, and no one knows when school will be over, vacations and graduation will occur. Just keep learning, learning, and learning again. Those that are fictitious and fake will be ruthlessly eliminated. Only those that have been filtered, baptized, and settled by history are classics.

1. If you want to go further on the road of calligraphy, you must be diligent.

Calligraphy learning should be like an alarm clock. It should not be affected by cloudy or sunny weather, severe winter or heat, or the ebb and flow of tides. It should keep walking without complaint. Only with this kind of spirit can we go further on the road of calligraphy. Half-hearted and hasty learning methods will accomplish nothing.

2. If you don’t like words, either don’t write them or just keep silent.

There are many types of copybooks, each with its own characteristics. Don't criticize calligraphy that you are unfamiliar with or even don't like, and develop the bad habit of making irresponsible remarks and finding faults. When you are just starting out, you often have high ambitions but low ambitions. You are overconfident in yourself and think you know a lot. In fact, this is not the case. Calligraphy is very broad and cannot be easily understood. When you don't understand, the best way is to remain silent and shut up.

Because blind preferences, wrong judgments, and wrong ideas often affect your own progress. One netizen said something like this: If you don’t look good, you don’t dare to go out on the street; if you don’t have a good figure, you don’t dare to go to a fashion store; if you don’t have high standards, you don’t dare to talk nonsense! You call her modest, you call her sensible. In short, there is some truth to this statement.

3. When you encounter depression while learning calligraphy, you must learn to endure it.

In the process of learning calligraphy, sometimes progress is very slow, and sometimes it stops or even goes backwards. This is the most frustrating thing. People have good times and bad times, and the moon is full and waning. This is also a natural phenomenon that is inevitable for everyone in the process of learning. In this depressing moment, don’t let these phenomena affect your studies. Learn to endure, learn to be calm, learn to think, and never be impetuous, let alone get angry, complain, or even give up because of temporary depression. Over time, your efforts will make everything okay.

4. Don’t be proud if you succeed, but be prepared to fail.

Success is the recognition of past learning and cannot replace the future, let alone hold on to it. This is like running. When you are leading, don't look left or right, so as not to affect your forward speed. "Leading" in the middle is not the end point, so you can't be proud at all. There is no success on the way, and there is no failure on the way. Temporarily "leading" or "going backward". It is all accumulated on the road of calligraphy. As time goes by, whether it is "leading" or "regressing", the final success is the real success.

5. Don’t regret it if you fail, but be prepared for success.

It is a very unpleasant thing to fail repeatedly in calligraphy competitions and exhibitions after working hard again and again. Don't always stare at yourself, magnify yourself, blame others, and bring trouble to yourself. Of course, there are many factors for failure. No matter what the reason is, failure is failure. We must dare to face reality, look further, find out the reasons for failure, and get them corrected in time. How can we see the rainbow without going through wind and rain? If we fail, It doesn't matter, start all over again to meet tomorrow's success.

6. "When three people are walking together, there must be my teacher." We must develop a good habit of learning from the strengths of others.

In the process of learning calligraphy, we should not only learn from the ancients, but also learn from today's people. Learning from the ancients can take root in tradition and lay a solid foundation. By studying today's people, you can master techniques and grasp the pulse of the times. When interacting with others, you must develop the habit of "not being ashamed to ask questions". You must also be good at discovering the strengths of others and learn to leverage the strengths of others to make up for your own shortcomings. Deal with things with humility and humility, treat others with sincerity and sincerity, and write down-to-earth and conscientiously.

7. Opportunities often come to those who are prepared. If you lose it, others will get it.

Opportunities will never disappear. If you don't fight for opportunities, others will. As the saying goes: "Opportunities often come to those who are prepared." If we go to take a bus, we should wait for the bus in advance instead of letting the bus wait for you. Don't have the mentality of leaving everything to chance, wait and see, let alone place your hopes on opportunities. Opportunities cannot wait. Opportunities need to be prepared, discovered, fought for, and created.

8. Don’t stay behind closed doors, go out, invite people in, and interact more.

The art of calligraphy is inherited, spread and developed through communication. Communication is a shortcut to learning calligraphy. There are many unspeakable things in calligraphy that are solved in communication. As the saying goes: Seeing something is better than hearing it a hundred times. This is the truth. For example, in the process of calligraphy creation, if you can witness the calligrapher's performance with your own eyes, it will be clear at a glance what strokes to use, rhythm, and composition.

9. Never treat your work casually. If you are not satisfied with the work, others will not be satisfied either.

Don't expose your bad side to others, this is the simplest truth. The works you submit, participate in exhibitions, and communicate with friends must be carefully prepared and created, and cannot be dealt with. If you are not satisfied with the work, don't do it. Some calligraphers have realized this and began to recycle past works and replace old works with new ones. This is the best example. Be sincere in your treatment of art, and respecting art means respecting yourself.

10. Set a goal, a short-term goal and a long-term goal.

What is the goal? The goal is to go up the stairs, and when you get to the first level, you round the corner and see another level. The steps must be taken step by step, and the goals must be achieved one by one. In order to achieve these goals, you must have a sense of urgency, remind yourself at all times, and proceed in a planned manner. Achieve a short-term goal, then climb a mid-term goal until success.

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