How to practice calligraphy? How to practice calligraphy quickly and effectively? I believe this is the common aspiration of all friends who want to practice calligraphy. If you implement the following 9 steps, I believe your problem will be solved.

1. Clarify your positioning

There are roughly four points:

① Know the purpose of practicing calligraphy, cultivating sentiments, preparing for the college entrance examination, practicing signatures or other purposes

②Know your own personality, that is, whether you can practice quietly and calmly for several hours

③What is the current level of your font?

④How far do you want to achieve?

2. Do a good job in three major managements

Goal management: What kind of font do you want to master in how long (according to your actual situation, don’t be too ambitious), but you have to set it a little higher, otherwise you will have no motivation.

Strategic management: For example, if you want to practice calligraphy for the college entrance examination in three months, then you have to determine the state you want to achieve in one month, the state you want to achieve in two months, etc. based on the state you want to achieve during the college entrance examination.

Time management: Continuing to use the above example to do strategic management, you need to make some plans, that is, at what time and how long to practice calligraphy every day. If this time period is temporarily used by other things, set a recovery time. Be sure to Stick to it, and if possible, make a schedule for the whole day and post it in a conspicuous place on your desk to remind yourself.

3. Selection of essential tools for calligraphy practice

Now that you know your goals and set a plan to achieve them, it’s time to choose a calligraphy practice tool that suits you. If you just want to practice calligraphy, a calligraphy pen, calligraphy board, and calligraphy stickers are basically enough. If you want to have a better learning environment and develop good study habits, eye protection desk lamps, Desks and bookcases can also be considered.

4. Calligraphy practice mentality + calligraphy skills

It is easier to affirm oneself by identifying with others;

Learn in happiness and grow in loneliness;

As the saying goes: Interest is the best teacher. You have to admit, you may not even know how much energy you put into something you are interested in. However, sometimes due to circumstances, such as practicing calligraphy to get extra marks for the college entrance examination, even if practicing calligraphy is boring, you can only grit your teeth and persevere, and take your time according to the tenets of time management. Persistence is victory, this is another old saying.

As for calligraphy practice skills, I would like to share one point here, that is, form a group to practice calligraphy, find a friend who is motivated and perseverant, supervise and encourage each other. For children in elementary school and junior high school, it is best for parents to accompany their children to practice calligraphy, and parents are definitely capable of the task of encouraging their children.

5. Reflection + Summary

Shi Yuzhu said in "Win in China": It is normal for a person to make mistakes, but without reflection or summary, he will never make progress.

The same goes for practicing calligraphy. Don’t practice calligraphy blindly or mechanically. After practicing for a period of time, stop and reflect on what you have done related to calligraphy practice during this period, what has been effective, and what has been done. No, whether to continue to implement the results that are effective in the later period, what is the reason for the ineffectiveness, is it my own problem or other problems, can I find a teacher or senior to solve this problem, what other problems may I encounter in the future, and how can I avoid these problems? .

Another point is to summarize more. You may have used several methods to solve a problem. Record which one is the most efficient and save it for future use. Those with low efficiency can be used as a warning; when is the best time to practice calligraphy? Questions such as what kind of practice will improve you the most, etc., must be summarized frequently, so that you can always make progress.

6. Form your own calligraphy practice system

After a period of calligraphy practice and subsequent reflection and summary, I believe you have mastered a calligraphy practice system that suits you. At what time, in what place, in what posture, with whom, every day. What kind of pen and copybook are most effective for practicing calligraphy? At this point, your calligraphy career will reach another level.

7.Communicate + share

For a planning project, if you have an idea and he has an idea, then as soon as you communicate, everyone will have two ideas. The same goes for calligraphy training. Once different calligraphy training systems are shared, they will become two, or even derive more.

8. Improve the system

After sharing, your thinking and vision have been expanded, and you can’t wait to try whether others’ results are better or your own. At this time, you are back to the cycle of steps four to six, but better than the first time. I walk more confidently and steadily. After persisting, reflecting, and summarizing, you will have thoroughly integrated the essence of the two plans, consolidating and improving your own calligraphy training system.

9. Promote copying and help more people

Having grown up thanks to the help of others, you should not be a person who doesn't know how to repay. I believe that you can introduce your consolidated and perfect calligraphy practice system to more people who want to practice calligraphy well.