How to choose a good calligraphy training institution for your children? How to choose a good calligraphy training institution for children? How to choose a good calligraphy training class for your children? This is a question that many parents are thinking and worrying about right now. The calligraphy practice market is becoming more and more popular. There are currently too many calligraphy training institutions on the market. Therefore, it is difficult for parents to accurately evaluate the quality of training. So, how can parents give their children Choose a good calligraphy training institution?


First, look at the child’s personality

Parents must observe and understand their children's personalities on a daily basis, because this can come in handy in many places.

When choosing a calligraphy training institution, if your child is sensitive and introverted, you should not go to a calligraphy training institution that is aggressive and radical. Otherwise, the child will not learn anything and his interest in learning will be completely frustrated. If you want to correct it in the future, just It will take more time.

I would like to point out in particular that some parents, with the expectation that their children can learn things and at the same time correct their introverted personality, enroll their children in inappropriate calligraphy training institutions. This is a very wrong idea.

Especially for introverted and sensitive children, it is not possible to change the child's character by sending an excited and excited teacher around the child. If you try hastily, it will only make the child unable to learn knowledge and strengthen the withdrawn character.

Secondly, look at the qualifications of calligraphy training institutions

1. School opening time

The longer a training institution is in operation, the higher its stability will be and is suitable for long-term learning.

The reason is very simple. After encountering many winds and waves, it is naturally not easy for the boat to capsize.

2. The source of the teacher

Where are the teachers hired from? How professional are the teachers? Are teachers permanent or hired on a temporary basis? …

3. Other qualifications

Including fire protection qualifications (to ensure the safety of students), health qualifications (if the calligraphy training institution is not hygienic, the chance of cross-infection among children is particularly high)...

Again, observe the teacher

You must audition. The main purpose of audition is to observe the teacher and see the children's reactions.

1. Professional ability

Teachers at calligraphy training institutions have their own unique and profound views on training projects. They cannot just follow what others say and follow the instructions, or teach children to learn in a rigid manner.

2. Field control ability

Teachers must be patient, expressive and understanding, and be dignified enough to give children a sense of self-respect and authority.

The first teacher in my son’s calligraphy training class has a high prestige among the children. He can chat and play with the children after class, and can make the children seriously engage in calligraphy practice during class.

What this teacher often says is: Don’t be afraid of not being good at writing, but you must write carefully when you start writing.

Under his clear rules of rewards and punishments, the children have made great progress in writing.

But then their class changed to a teacher. This teacher's professional ability was still good, but he couldn't control the situation. The children didn't take him seriously. Class discipline also deteriorated, and of course he couldn't practice calligraphy well.

3. Professional ability

Every profession has its not-so-good side, it just depends on whether the teacher can hold it.

This is not good, maybe because of communication problems with parents, or between colleagues. In short, if the teacher's professional ability is strong and there are few transfers, the children can learn in a stable environment with peace of mind.

4. Self-cultivation

This is not a necessary clause, because it is rare, but if you do encounter it, you must seize it.

Self-cultivation is often reflected in the professional level and educational methods, but more intuitively it is reflected in the teacher's temperament and cultivation. In fact, this seems very mysterious, but if you really meet such a teacher, you will feel the difference in minutes.

Finally, look at the calligraphy training arrangements to see if they are reasonable.

It is inappropriate if there are third graders, first graders, and high school students in one class, because children of different ages have different abilities to understand and absorb knowledge. In a calligraphy training class, the age span is too large, which will affect the training. Progress and quality.

To sum up, when choosing a calligraphy training institution, parents should not only consider transportation, environment, cost, school opening time, course schedule, etc., but also observe and understand the above. I hope that every family that decides to get calligraphy training can find a good one at once. Calligraphy training institution.