"The pen breaks the meaning, and the word breaks the breath." In fact, it is a principle of the structure and composition of the characters. Following this principle, only the unrelated stipples can be organically combined together to form a complete and unique spiritual image. The characters that are not connected to each other can be combined together to form a complete and vivid calligraphy work. How to practice calligraphy in regular script, how to grasp the structure of characters?


1. Importance In our daily calligraphy learning process, the frame structure is indeed a relatively important learning aspect. It plays a major role in the entire calligraphy learning process.

We can often see some people who, although the quality of their strokes is not very good, they grasp the indirect structure very well, which can actually cover up the fact that their strokes are not good. This is actually the same truth as our saying goes, "One white mask covers all ugliness." Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the study of interframe structure.

In addition, analyzing this issue from a more academic perspective, we actually see that among all the technical elements of calligraphy, namely brushwork, structure, and composition, only the first two elements are essential to form a single character. In fact, the two are close to the same status, and the rules are relative to the entire calligraphy work. Once the indirect structure is mastered and matched well, the quality of the strokes is actually not that high. But even if the quality of your strokes is very good, once the frame structure is ruined, the entire character will be ruined. This problem can also be understood through the relationship between human blood and flesh. Therefore, no further details will be given.

2. Learning method of shelf structure

So how to learn the interframe structure in a scientific and effective way? I think it will be easier for us to grasp it from two levels, and then "prescribe the right medicine" for these two levels.

Generally speaking, we can divide it into two levels:

(1) Perceptual level

As far as the process of learning and understanding a skill, technique, or rule is concerned, from a perceptual level, it does not require you to have clear rules and regulations in your mind, but to unconsciously abide by the rules in the process of writing calligraphy. This is what we call perceptual mastery.

Beginners: Beginners are in the early stages of learning calligraphy and should focus on practicing and strengthening stroke learning. Therefore, the characters they learn to copy during this period must have fewer strokes and simple structures.

Those who have a certain foundation: For those who already have a certain foundation, I suggest that it is better to start with characters with complex strokes and more strokes, because more strokes means more stroke relationships to be dealt with. Invisibly, we can practice our stroke arrangement, interspersing and avoiding skills!

(2) Rational grasp

The advantage of rational grasp is that you can get started quickly and save time. But the disadvantage is that it is not easy to cultivate your own artistic ability. It's like someone gave you the spoilers before you watched the TV series.

The most important thing to grasp rationally is to be based on the calligraphy theory of the ancients, such as Huang Ziyuan's "Ninety-two Methods", Ouyang Xun's "Thirty-Six Methods", etc. By practicing these works, one can effectively learn the frame structure.