Hand shaking when writing is a symptom called writer's spasm. Due to occupational factors, long-term use of fine movements of the hands leads to muscle spasm in the hands, resulting in a symptom group mainly composed of writing dysfunction. It is an occupational common syndrome. Economic and neurological diseases. Writer's cramp commonly occurs in young and middle-aged people. The exact cause is still unknown. It is estimated to be related to the degenerative changes of the basal ganglia cells of the brain and is closely related to mental factors (stress, fear, etc.). The main symptoms include inflexibility and incoordination of fingers, spasmodic contraction of hand muscles or trembling of hands, difficulty in holding a pen, and crooked writing. Patients with dysgraphia have quick thinking, no facial hemiplegia, no muscle atrophy, normal reflexes, and no abnormalities in brain CT examination, so they can be easily distinguished from neurological diseases.


How to overcome hand shaking when writing?

1. Adjust your mentality

Calligraphy is about self-cultivation. Relax before writing and don't be too nervous. Even if you are writing in regular script, don't be too rigid.


Cai Yong said in "Bi Lun": "Those who write should be scattered. If you want to write, you should first spread your arms and let your emotions run wild, and then write. If you are forced to do something, even if you are a hare in the mountains, you will not be able to do well. If you write, you should be silent first. Sit quietly and meditate, do as you please; if you don't speak, your breath will not be full; if you have a deep expression, it is all good to the Supreme Being." That is to say, before writing, relax your mind, don't be anxious, you can sit quietly for a while, Adjust your breathing, think carefully about how to write, and take it seriously to write well.

2. Don’t hold the pen too tightly

This is easy to understand. If you are too nervous, you will hold the pen tightly. If you use too much force on your hand, your hand will most likely shake.

There is a certain degree of tightness when holding the pen. Relax when you should relax and tense when you should be tense.

Su Dongpo said: "There is no fixed way to hold the pen, it must be empty and wide." It is still necessary to hold the pen flexibly.

Don't be affected by the story that Wang Xizhi couldn't pull out his pen when he was writing. It's just a story. If that were the case, wouldn’t those Hercules have all been well written? That story is to educate everyone to practice calligraphy seriously and hard, and don’t misinterpret it.

3. Hold the pen too high

Yu Shinan's "Bi Ming Lun" said: "The length of the pen is no more than six inches, and the length of the pen is no more than three inches. It is true that one line has two grasses and three, and the fingers are strong and the palm is weak." If the pen is held too high, the pen will float when written, and hand shaking is inevitable.

Of course, those who specialize in practicing high-level management and writing with a long edge are not included in this list.

15 Calligraphy Practice Network is for beginners.

Another problem with holding the pen too high is that some teachers will ask you to write with your elbow hanging.

15. Calligraphy.com doesn’t agree with hanging your elbows for beginners. It’s very difficult for beginners to write and it’s not easy to get good results.

15CiLian.com suggests that it is better to use the pillow-wrist method (the left hand is placed under the right wrist to assist). After practicing for a period of time, use the wrist hanging method (pull the left hand out from under the right hand). After about half a year, you can use the elbow hanging method according to your proficiency.

When writing a work, you can choose between pillowing the wrist, hanging the wrist, or hanging the elbow according to the size of the font.

4. Do more exercises

Practice makes perfect, writing more and practicing more is a must.

15 Calligraphy Practice Network recommends that you should carefully understand when writing, including finger control of the pen tip, force, relaxation, writing speed, writing method, body tension, etc. You will definitely be able to find your own writing state.