Calligraphy, as one of the quintessences of the Chinese nation, has a profound historical foundation and numerous famous artists. Their works span the past and present. I believe that every young person with sound aesthetics loves calligraphy in his heart. It’s just that the degree of liking is different. Some admire it but dare not get close to it, some are interested but don’t delve into it, some love it but find it difficult to get started, and only a few of them love it and stick to it.


So, how can we get more young people to love calligraphy?

1. First of all, from a social perspective, it is important to popularize general education in calligraphy.

On the one hand, the popularization of calligraphy must plant the seeds of calligraphy in children as early as possible, which not only provides positive guidance for aesthetics, but may also lay the foundation for the future development of the calligraphy profession; on the other hand, it requires precision. The current popularization of calligraphy education is in Exam-oriented education is suspected of being too difficult to cope with, and its content is not precise enough and its practicality is weak.

2. There is an urgent need for a better calligraphy platform.

Young people have their own uniqueness - they like new things, seek efficiency, value experience, need social interaction, etc. At present, there are very few high-quality calligraphy platforms that can meet the above needs, whether online or offline.

3. Pay attention to the improvement of calligraphy aesthetic ability.

The uniqueness of calligraphy is that as a Chinese, you can instinctively feel the beauty of calligraphy from the beginning, whether it is beautiful or broad-minded. However, to appreciate it more deeply, you need a certain degree of aesthetic and appreciation ability. And the improvement of aesthetics can make young people more confident and consciously love calligraphy.

4. Integrate calligraphy into life and develop calligraphy peripheral products.

Art comes from life and should be integrated into life. Enriching calligraphy peripheral products can attract more young people to become interested in it and get closer to it. And getting closer is often the prerequisite and opportunity for love.