In China, calligraphy has a huge creative team and appreciation group, and it is closely connected with the daily life of Chinese people. Learning calligraphy is not only conducive to developing good writing habits and improving writing skills, but is also conducive to cultivating sentiment, cultivating creativity and imagination, and greatly improving people's overall quality. With the development of China's economy, China's international status is increasing day by day, and the influence of Chinese culture in the world is also increasing. More and more foreigners are beginning to love and learn calligraphy.


Due to the unique charm of calligraphy itself, more and more calligraphy enthusiasts at home and abroad have joined the learning and creation team of calligraphy art. Judging from the learning effect of calligraphy, calligraphy is a "fast" art. Through short-term copying and learning, you will quickly see the learning results and be encouraged by it. The art of calligraphy is also a "slow" art. Learning the art of calligraphy does not happen overnight. It is very difficult to reach a certain level. It requires long-term hard training, perseverance and scientific learning methods. We must overcome the desire for quick success and instant benefit, and only in this way can we continuously improve our calligraphy art accomplishment and then improve the level of calligraphy art creation.

Judging from the majors and numbers participating in the art exams, the quantity and quality of the calligraphy exams have an absolute advantage and play a decisive role in the art exams.

The calligraphy grading examination is an important part of the social art level examination. It is a test method to evaluate and identify the calligraphy art level of those who participate in the examination through unified evaluation standards under standardized operating procedures. It is a test method for testing the quality of teaching. It is an important way to popularize calligraphy art education.

Soft pen calligraphy training standards


examination time

test paper


Content and requirements

Assessment criteria



Level 1



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

Precisely opposite regular script or official script of your choice, no less than 4 characters (must be in a sentence)

Can better imitate general writing skills in calligraphy

(Bring your own copybook, which must be signed)

Level 2



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

Choose a paragraph of text (in regular script, official script, or seal script) that matches the text exactly, with no less than 12 characters (must be a sentence)

1. Imitate the original writing style and structural accuracy

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

(Bring your own copybook, which must be signed)

Level three



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

Select a paragraph of text (in regular script, official script, or seal script) that matches the text accurately, with no less than 18 characters (must be a sentence)

1. Imitate the original writing style and structural accuracy

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

3. Overall awareness of the work

(Bring your own copybook, which must be signed)



Level 4



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

Select an ancient classic poem (regular script or official script) that is accurately paired with no less than 24 words.

1. Imitate the original writing style and structural accuracy

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

3. Overall awareness of the work

(Bring your own copybook, which must be signed and stamped)

Level 5



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

1. Select an accurate antithesis of an ancient classic poem (regular script or official script) of no less than 20 words.

2. Select an ancient classic poem (regular script or official script) from the back, with no less than 20 words.

1. Imitate the original writing style and structural accuracy

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

3. Overall awareness of the work (must be signed and stamped)

Level 6



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

1. Choose a piece of ancient classic poetry (regular script or official script) on the back, with no less than 20 words.

2. Proposition creation in regular script (five character quatrains), 20 words.

1. Imitate the original writing style and structural accuracy

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

3. Overall awareness of the work

4. Ability to express brushwork, structure, and composition in proposition creation (must be signed and stamped)



Level 7



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

The proposition is imitated using the styles and forms of two ancient classics (regular script and official script II). The content is five-character quatrains with 20 words. The characteristics of the imitation work and the selected calligraphy are close to each other in terms of brushwork, structure, and composition, and the overall layout is coordinated and reasonable.

1. Accuracy of imitating the writing style and structure of the original post

2. The expression of the strokes, strokes and line strength of the pen

3. Overall awareness of the work

3. The ability to express brushwork, structure, and composition in proposition creation

Level 8



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

There is one style of proposition creation (seven-character quatrains, 28 words) in formal script and cursive style. The composition is complete and the stipples are powerful. The style is based on the understanding of tradition rather than simple imitation, and advocates creativity.

1. The depth of traditional skills reflected in creation

2. The creative strength of personal style is reflected in the creation

3. The overall effect of the work

Level 9



Four feet three inches 66*1125px or

Four feet by four inches 66*825px

There are two types of writing in formal script (choose two of regular script, official script, and seal script) and proposition creation in running script (seven-character quatrains, 28 characters). The composition of the work is complete in structure, powerful in pointillism, and has a certain individual style.

1. The depth of traditional skills reflected in creation

2. The creative strength of personal style is reflected in the creation

3. The overall effect of the work

3. The expression of lines and wind and spirit in the work

5. The lyricism of the work