Today is the seventh day that I have made up my mind to practice calligraphy. In fact, I have not made any special progress, but I just feel that I have some insights and ideas that I want to share with you. At the same time, I have always regarded this place as my own nest, and some of it feels good. I will record my feelings. After all, the world is changing too fast, so leaving some words can be regarded as a kind of commemoration.

I was a little bit stressed when I practiced calligraphy on the first day, because after all, I had promised to stick to it in front of so many people, and I set the time for calligraphy practice at 8:30-9:00 every morning, because 7:30-8:00 is the time for weight loss aerobics. After doing the aerobics, I just need to take a bath to calm down, so it can be used as a soothing medicine while writing. This is what I thought about (I bought a few first) I used a copybook to practice fountain pen calligraphy, not brush calligraphy. Maybe I will try brush calligraphy in the future).

But having said that, many people may still be curious about what the characters I wrote before looked like. . . Is it necessary to insist on practicing calligraphy with such great vigor? Will it really hurt your eyes after watching it? The answer is: going blind. . .