Is it still possible to practice calligraphy starting from sixth grade?I often hear questions like this, but you know I’ve also heard people ask me this question,Is it too late to practice calligraphy at the age of 18?Is it too late to practice calligraphy at the age of 20? Is it too late to practice calligraphy at the age of 25? Is it too late to practice calligraphy at the age of 30?Now, do you think you can still practice calligraphy since you were in sixth grade? Is it still too late?

To paraphrase a chicken soup for the soul: "The best time to plant a tree was ten years ago, and the second best time is now." The same goes for practicing calligraphy!

Is it still possible to practice calligraphy starting from sixth grade? I can definitely practice well

Wen Zhengming is a very typical example:

It is said that Wen Zhengming was very stupid when he was a child. History books record that "Zhengming was not smart at a young age, but he was a little older, and he was very clever and had a straight hair." Of course, his success as a talented person also has a lot to do with his family's wide network of contacts. "He learned literature in Wu Kuan, he learned calligraphy from Li Yingzhen and painting from Shen Zhou, both of whom were friends of his father." But even though there were so many masters teaching him, Wen Zhengming's calligraphy was still very poor when he was in his twenties. For example, when he was 26 years old, he wrote like this :


Wen Zhengming was born in 1470 and died in 1559 at the age of 89. However, he was still there when he was 88 years old. Practicing calligraphy, this is what he wrote that year


What is the content of what he wrote? Is it the inscription and postscript written for Wang Xizhi's "Long Live Tongtian Tie"? Still studying Wang?


The running script of 83-year-old is completely different from that of 26-year-old. He writes with great spirit. In fact, his eyesight failed when he was 74. At the age of 74, he wrote at the end of "Qin Fu": "Old Yu is dizzy." But even in this "old-eyed and dim" state, I still insist on reading posts and practicing calligraphy.

