Regarding the question of what you should do if you want to practice calligraphy with zero basic knowledge, this is how I see it:


 1. Cultivate lasting interest. College students already have a relatively stable world view and outlook on life, and a relatively clear understanding of their own needs. If they really think it is necessary to practice calligraphy, it should be a mature consideration and deserves encouragement.

 2. It requires patience and perseverance. At present, many people are eager for quick success and quick success, but practicing calligraphy requires a step-by-step approach. Therefore, you need to maintain a peaceful mind and persevere in order to practice calligraphy well. 

 3. You need to choose a copybook that suits you. It mainly depends on what kind of font is suitable for your own personality style. Just choose that font, which can not only enhance your interest, but also improve your efficiency. 

 4. When practicing a certain font, you need to write slowly according to the frame structure rules of that font at the beginning. After you become proficient in writing, you can speed up the writing to gradually consolidate the results of calligraphy practice. 

 5. Write by hand often. Many young people nowadays use computers to type, and handwriting becomes more and more unfamiliar. Over time, their wrists and fingers become stiff, and they cannot write well. 

 Therefore, practicing calligraphy requires mastering a certain method and persisting in order to write well.