Today we will talk about "calligraphy practice for primary school students" and talk about calligraphy practice methods and techniques suitable for primary school students!


1. Basic strokes

Each character is composed of basic strokes. Therefore, to write a word well, you must first write every basic stroke of it. Each stroke must go through several processes: starting the stroke, moving the stroke, and finishing the stroke.

In first-grade Chinese language teaching, while understanding basic strokes, students receive strict stroke guidance so that children can lay solid basic skills and make a good start for future writing teaching. For example, the direction of the stroke, the length, thickness, and slope of the stroke in a certain character, etc. For example, when writing "捺" - start the pen lightly, move the pen to the right and down, gradually become heavier, turn the direction, and gradually become lighter. This is the twists and turns of "捺"! Teach "vertical folding and writing" and let the children observe, what does this painting represent? Like a bolt of lightning!

2. Radicals of words

Most Chinese characters have their own radicals, and the writing of these radicals has its own characteristics and rules.

Once you have mastered the writing of this radical, you can apply it to characters with these radicals, draw inferences from one instance and draw inferences from one instance to other cases, and make the structural arrangement of the characters more reasonable. For example, when writing next to the word "月" and at the bottom of the word "月", the first stroke of "月" under "青" cannot be rested. There is something pressing on it, so it must be stood upright to support it; Part) is written as Ji and Xiao Ji are twins, and the elder brother has a little bit of a tail....  

3. The structure of words

The structure of Chinese characters varies. Since the new characters of low-level students are all written in the Tian grid, students can be asked to write the words in the center of the Tian grid, leaving appropriate spaces on the top, bottom, left, and right sides. The physical characteristic of Chinese characters is square shape. There are relatively few single-character characters.

Before writing, let the children observe the structure of the new characters in the Tian character grid, clarify the width and narrowness proportions and accurate positions of each part of the character structure in the Tian character grid, understand the shape, structural layout, and brushwork characteristics of stipples, and experience echo, interspersion, and avoidance. , pay special attention to guiding children to observe which strokes in the word intersect with the horizontal and vertical midlines.

4. Pay attention to correcting mistakes in writing assignments

Wrong writing is due to lack of careful observation. With the help of error correction, this will be of great help in strengthening literacy teaching!

For example, under the word "spring" is the word "日", some children always write it as the word "目". Try to guide the children: think about it, what are the characteristics of spring? (In spring, the sun is shining, the weather is warm, and plants are starting to grow) Yes! Spring is here, and the sun is warm. Look, under the word "spring" is the word "日", and the word "日" is also the word "sun". In this way, the child will remember it firmly and never make a mistake again!


5. Use your brain frequently

It's not enough to just read the posts, you also have to memorize the glyphs, structures, and strokes carefully.

The longer you read, the more you summarize, and the glyphs are deeply engraved in your brain. Whenever you mention this word, you can immediately think of the shape of the word on the copybook. The mind can think of the best effect of writing, but the hand may not be able to write the best effect, because the brain may not be able to direct the hand, and the hand may not be able to direct the pen. Practicing hands is to achieve the state where mind and hand are consistent, and hand and writing are consistent, so practicing hands is also crucial.

Finally, you have to practice calligraphy well. It is definitely not possible to do it quickly. The more impatient you are, the worse your calligraphy skills will be. First of all, you must master the basic skills well and do it calmly. Calligraphy is accumulated slowly. If you persist for a few months, you will be able to do it. There will be great changes. Practicing calligraphy also trains people. Enjoying the process is the best! As the saying goes, words are like people, words are like faces. If you write well, your teachers will like it and your classmates will envy you.