What are the benefits of practicing calligraphy? 15LianCi.com feels that the following three points are enough to explain:


1. Can cultivate ideological and moral sentiments

Chinese characters are one of the few existing characters in the world that are based on "pictograms". Compared with alphabetical characters, they are much more complex, and can be either sparse or dense. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally organize those strange-shaped strokes to make every Chinese character "beautiful". Judging from the structure of the word, the "pitch", "avoidance" and "response" of each part will give people inspiration: to be humble, generous, tolerant and respect others. Writing a single word well is a kind of beauty, which is like personal cultivation. Making a good combination of many single words is another kind of beauty, which requires unity and collective cohesion.

Since ancient times, China has emphasized that "writing is like its people", and many great calligraphers are role models. Their spirit helps to cultivate students' morale. For example, the legends of "Bi Mountain" and "Mo Lake" will encourage students to study diligently. At the same time, the celebrity posts are also of good quality and beauty, and are also good "teaching materials" for cultivating students' thoughts and sentiments. Wang Xizhi's "Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection", "the best running script in the world", is first of all a literary work. It is the sublimation of Wang Xizhi's cultivation, talent and calligraphy skills that promote each other.

2. Can improve aesthetic appreciation ability

Lu Xun once said: "Chinese writing has three beauties: the beauty of meaning touches the heart, the beauty of sound touches the ears, and the beauty of form touches the eyes." The formal beauty of calligraphy art is formed through the regular combination of lines acting on paper. Students can consciously copy by hand and heart, consciously feel the beauty of flowing lines, and also feel that writing good calligraphy is not unattainable, because it is right in front of them. Cai Yong of the Han Dynasty said: "For the body of a book, it must be in its shape: if you are sitting, if you are walking, if you are flying, if you are moving, if you are going, if you are coming, if you are lying down, if you are getting up, if you are sad, if you are happy, if you are an insect eating a wood leaf, if you are a sharp sword, A long sword, like a strong bow and a hard arrow, like water and fire, like clouds and mist, like the sun and moon, only if there is something that can be imaged vertically and horizontally, can we get the calligraphy." This passage explains to us the beauty of calligraphy from one aspect.

In addition, the inherent beauty of calligraphy requires students to examine it more. Because every stroke of a word has a setback in life, and every flow of a line has the weight and texture of humanity. Through the traces of words, students can feel the joy, anger, sorrow, joy and sorrow of the calligrapher, and feel charm.

3. Can cultivate a rigorous and down-to-earth style

Chinese characters in China pay attention to the structure of frames. In the process of practicing calligraphy, students will intentionally or unintentionally form the habit of being meticulous. Over time, students will develop a rigorous style, not only in writing, but also in learning. It will have a subtle impact on life. Moreover, it is not a day's work to practice calligraphy well. It takes a long time of patient copying before you can gain anything. Students can practice writing step by step according to certain standards, which can effectively exercise students' perseverance and develop their skills. Students have a good down-to-earth style.

Therefore, practicing calligraphy will help students improve their efficiency in the learning process and in future social work. Good pen calligraphy has become a powerful tool in people's social interactions. "Words are a person's second appearance" is a stepping stone to your successful employment. Words can reflect a person's moral character, inner outlook, and personality. It can be said to be the condensation of his cultivation and talents. If you want to write well, don't rely on genius or understanding, but on scientific methods. Cultivation can also be said to be the condensation of cultivation and talent. If you want to write well, don't rely on genius or understanding, but on scientific methods.