Does practicing calligraphy require talent?

I think everyone has talent, but they just haven't found the golden key to open the Ren and Du channels and bring out their maximum potential.

The talent of calligraphy learners may be high or low. High talent will have certain advantages, but it is not the decisive factor in the level of calligraphy cultivation. How far you can go and how high you can stand in calligraphy mainly depends on talent + method + attitude + diligence + perseverance. If you have higher talent, you may start faster and be more efficient, but for a lifetime of calligraphy practice, methods, attitude, diligence, and perseverance are more stable, reliable, and more important than talent.

The ability to learn calligraphy mainly includes observation, imitation, comprehension and comprehension. Among these factors, talent will play a positive role in the initial stage of learning and will also have a more obvious impact. For example, you have a good memory and a photographic memory, you can copy Dharma texts quickly and accurately, you have a good understanding and you can understand everything with just one click. However, the learning and cultivation of calligraphy is too broad and profound. The study of calligraphy does not lie in these small skills and cleverness. Talent is a double-edged sword, it can be a positive factor or a negative factor, and acquired hard work is the most critical factor.

Everyone has learned the story of "Injury to Zhongyong". If a talented student has the wrong method, does not study diligently, does not have firm beliefs, and does not think hard, his ending will be like Zhongyong's, and he will lose everyone. .

Scientific research shows that people's intelligence levels are not much different, so their talent for learning calligraphy is actually very small. Don't place too much emphasis on talent. This should not be a reason for calligraphy learners to become complacent or give up on themselves. Maybe those people who you think are talented are actually working a hundred times harder than you behind the scenes.

tell you accurately

Practicing calligraphy has nothing to do with talent. The most important thing is whether the method is correct and whether you can persist.

The following is a detailed introduction to the systematic calligraphy practice method:

1. First of all, we must clarify the motivation for practicing calligraphy. In fact, there are three general motivations:

Usually it’s just for the sake of looking good when writing. It’s really just for practicing calligraphy and achieving self-cultivation. It’s purely a personal hobby.

2. Choose the right calligraphy practice tool

Fountain pen (or gel pen): Hero 100 or Immortality 101 are both OK. Compared with gel pens, the strokes of fountain pens are more obvious, and the writing is more beautiful. The gel pens use Morning Light 0.7, which is more beautiful than thicker gel pens.

Paper for calligraphy practice: Tian Zi Ge (this kind of paper makes it easier to grasp the structure of fonts and grasp the fonts more carefully when practicing)

Horizontal line paper: This kind of paper is just suitable for use when upgrading calligraphy practice after using the Tianzi grid. The horizontal lines can assist in mastering the font structure and avoid problems such as deviation.

Copybooks: Copybooks are very popular, but how to choose the correct calligraphy is a big problem for many beginners. We recommend the copybooks of teachers such as Tian Yingzhang and Wu Yusheng. These are some of the more famous modern calligraphers. The font structure is more in line with the way modern people write.

3. Correct reading and calligraphy methods

Practicing calligraphy requires mastering the correct font structure, such as character spacing, line spacing, length and short ratio, stroke length, etc. A simple two-word example should make it clear:
